Pastor Jim’s Blog
Little Things Matter
Today’s Word from Linda Nevermann... Growing up, I was told “little things don’t matter.” I’m nearly 72 years old and I’m telling you that they do. After the tragic pandemic and slowly realizing that there is a new future of normalcy, I’ve appreciated more than ever,...
Preschool and Beyond
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim Every year in the month of May our sanctuary is adorned by the artwork of children as dozens of delightful little visitors join us for worship. They are decorated with care and as much intention as a preschooler can muster. Old scraps of...
The Story of AND
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen Greetings, all. Our friend Carrie Newcomer, singer/songwriter/writer who has appeared here in concert a couple of times, has a podcast on her website. She has a wonderful way of comprehending and engaging the world (along with her friend...
A Gift Given
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Have you ever had the experience of receiving a gift and not knowing what to do with it? I was ten, it was Christmas, and my family was sharing part of the season with a very precious senior couple. Margaret and Gene were childless and...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim Pilgrimage has been a part of religious tradition and experience for thousands of years. Religious pilgrims plan, save, and travel to sacred places; to the thin places between heaven and earth. In Islam every adult is expected to make the...
Holy Saturday
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “I was glad when they said to me, ‘let us into the house of the Lord.’” Psalm 122 Dear Friends in Christ, It has been three years since we have had the opportunity to celebrate Easter Sunday in a traditional way. Two years ago, the...
Ode to the Journey
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... So, try to picture the scene. It is a beautiful Seattle summer evening and I have accepted an invitation from my younger sibling to join her and her friends at some young adult drinking hole. What can I say? I had no social life. I was...
Human Stories
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Jesus “emptied himself taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Philippians 2:7-8 Every story in the...
Make Me an Instrument
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf As most of you know, I make music… a LOT of music. There’s my core endeavor-- performing western classical chamber music in collaboration with many fine musicians. At any given time, I typically have 5-6 concerts worth of music in...
Doing Our Best
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom,,, I don’t have anything pithy. I regularly try for pithy but I am fresh out of pithy. Sometimes the pithy-well goes dry and for a writer (or would-be writer), all that is left can feel stale or mundane. So here’s the deal, as most of you...
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... We’ve all heard about prideful peacocks, but what about the lowly turkey? It’s about this time every year that our handsome toms start to strut their stuff, fanning their tails and parading around the barnyard, trying to catch the...
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... “Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion! Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem” Isaiah 52:1 Over the years, we have had several different animals come and leave on our little farm. Some were born here and moved on to different...
Take Every Opportunity to Love
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... The pandemic has loosened its grip just as the world has unraveled once again around us. Many of us are feeling stressed, depressed, and somewhat helpless as Putin’s war in Ukraine drags on. The images that fill the airwaves are...
The Best Weekend Ever
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... Last weekend I took a group of elementary students to Camp Lutherwood in Bellingham. I cannot tell you how good it felt to load the van with kids and head out of town. It has been two years since I’ve driven a van full of Trinity kids...
I Will Not Let You Go
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen... “God has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b OK. I’m holding on to that. Looking around our church, island, region and world these days… it’s something I have to remember often. A little rambling… I live a pretty...
Ukraine Refugee Relief Response
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Thank you for your generous and compassionate support of the refugee crisis in Eastern Europe. We might not be able to stop this war, but we can make a difference! Since March 2nd, Trinity has already given $25,000 to Eastern Europe. We...
Thankful to Be on This Journey with You…
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... The Covid19 pandemic threatened our community on a variety of levels. Over the past two years many have been sick with the virus, but few have been seriously ill, and to the best of my knowledge, no one from TLC was ever...
The Nobility of Longing
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... No one has ever accused me of being noble. Nope. Been accused of lots of things - selfish, talks too much, really sad golfer, doesn’t listen (who does?), insensitive (“Siri, why have I had trouble with women?” “This is Alexa.”)… you...
Good Fences
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy You have probably heard it said that good fences make good neighbors. We have come dangerously close to being poor neighbors lately. You may recall that during a wind storm in November, we had a large Madrona tree fall on one of our...
Is It Age Appropriate?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Listening is important. I have listened through the years to many parents who were exasperated, fatigued, and generally flummoxed over the behavior of their children. The age of the children? Babies who won’t sleep, terrible two-year...
We Made it Through the Door
Today’s Word from Ron Roesler... Have you ever wondered what causes some people to attach themselves to fringe beliefs? Beliefs that defy conventional wisdom, or beliefs of those who think radically different than yourself? When I was younger, I had difficulty...
A Firm Foundation
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... We have been entrusted with a precious gift. The gift of a church, a community, a beautiful and flawed gathering of the young and old. We have been entrusted with a precious gift: a community of diverse opinions, political persuasions,...
Apophatic or Cataphatic?
Today's Word from Pastor Tom... It is often said you can put mystics of varied and different religions in the same room and they will instantly bond, or hear one another. Put theologians of different religious ilk in the same room and within 10 minutes someone will be...
Where the Guest is God
Today's Word from Sheila Weidendorf In India, Where the Guest is God I come to touch my feet upon the earth in the place where the guest is God In this land where Everything exists within Nothing and holiness is never more than a breath away I come to feast my eyes...
Betty Lehman
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... It was 69 years ago. The population of Island County was holding steady at 11,000. Dwight Eisenhower had moved into the Oval Office. Elizabeth II was crowned Queen of the United Kingdom. The Korean War had just ended. The unknown Elvis...
Eight Funerals and a Wedding
Today's Word from Pastor Jim__“For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.”_ Ecclesiastes 3We currently have eight funerals, or graveside services, scheduled at TLC. We also have two of our members on Hospice Care. Among the...
The Rim of Life
Today's Word from Pastor Tom...“For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. “ Psalm 92.4With one day yet of travel, we are 3,400 miles into this adventure. When it comes to car travel our typical MO is to load the...
Where Do You Want to Start?
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where is my help to come? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121 Sometimes, when catching up with an old friend, or sitting down with a coworker, the first question...
That’s the Deal
Today's Word from Karl Olsen... “In love, it’s only those who trust each other, who can make it until the end.” Auliq Ice “…in sickness and health, as long as we both shall live.” Spoken by millions of lovers… In my life as a musician, I’ve been part of many weddings....
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... There are many attributes that are universally accepted by humans of all races, religions, and nationalities. Included on the list would be kindness, compassion, mercy, hospitality, honesty, integrity, dependability, creativity,...
In But Not Of
Today's Word from Pastor Tom... “In but not of…” One of the great lines of scripture. A slight paraphrase from John chapter 17, Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer. Jesus prays for his followers who are “in” this world but not “of” this world. For me this is one of the most...
From India, With Love
Today's Word from Sheila Weidendorf... I am writing this from the rooftop of our Rajasthani farmhouse, nestled in the arms of the Aravali Mountains outside of Udaipur. Udaipur is a gleaming white marble city known as “The City of Lakes.” The historic palace of the...
A Great Year Ahead!
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... 2022 is going to be a fantastic year! I expect there to be some bumps in the road, but by any measure I am certain that 2022 is going to be a great year. A year of beautiful sunrises and sunsets, a year of hot showers and tasty food, a...
Touch the Future
The Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment will give away $240,000 in 2022. This money will support local charities, national and international causes, and provide needed scholarships to dozens of college students. Make your final statement in life consistent with the...
Flawed Humans: They’ll Know we are Christians by our Love
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... There has been a lot of criticism of the Christian Church in recent years and it has led many to be skeptical of all organized religion. The criticism has been mostly fair. This is not a new story; the Christian Church has opened itself...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Our first story, Genesis chapter one: “Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our own image, according to our likeness’..” We were created in the image of God. Now there is much that we could say about that. Female and male were...
Us Lesser Knowns
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... That’s me on the left. For those who attended the October 31st Reformation Service you undoubtedly recognized me adorned in my red chasuble. Not every pastor is gifted with a bobblehead doll, or a red chasuble for that matter. This...
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... “When they were satisfied, he told his disciples, ‘Gather up the fragments left over, so that nothing may be lost.’” John 6:12 Right around the time the new year rolls in, we start to put away the Christmas decorations. Lights come...
There’s No Place Like Home
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... On January 23rd we will celebrate the Third Sunday of Epiphany. Our reading that morning will be from the 4th Chapter of Luke. In that text, Jesus will be coming home to Nazareth. He had left home some time earlier; he had been baptized...
Blessed Effulgence…
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf... As I write this, the season of Advent (my favorite in the liturgical year!) has come and gone, and Christmastide is all but concluded. 2021 has tucked itself into the recesses of memory as we herald in a new year—a fresh start, a...
Never Too Old!
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... Who said, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?” Not true. Why, for example, just recently I had an experience that taught me why it is helpful to turn on the light prior to brushing my teeth. Did you know that in the early morning...
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... As we wind down from our joyous Christmas celebrations, for some, there is a lingering sadness. A sadness that comes with the memories of loved ones who are no longer here, or perhaps with the experience of not being able to be together...
What Do You Know About Mary?
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen... “Let us learn from the Virgin Mary how to be bolder in obeying the word of God.” Pope Francis “In trial or difficulty, I have recourse to Mary, whose glance alone is enough to dissipate every fear.” Saint Therese of Lisieux “When I find...
Christmas Anticipation
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... You know that part of “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” where we sing “… He sees you when you’re sleepin...” It is a faint childhood memory but I think it was the old cowboy Gene Autry who sang it. Well, that always struck me as a little...
Room for a Little One
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... I had the joyful experience of visiting the preschoolers in their outdoor classroom today. They excitedly lined up on their little stump seats to wait for my Bible story. Today, though, I didn’t bring my Bible. Instead, I brought one of...
Venti, Venti…
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf... O come, O come, Immanuel, and ransom captive Israel that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear. O come, o Wisdom from on high, who ordered all things mightily, to us the path of knowledge show and teach us in...
Christmas Memories
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... Their ages were age one, two and a half, and almost four. Our one and only time as a family in Hawaii. It was right after Christmas. There were so many things I appreciated about that time in our family life. For one thing, it was...
Spreading Smiles
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... I’ve mentioned before that both of my daughters raise and show goats in 4H. My youngest, Lia, spends the whole year training her pack goat, Norman, by taking him on almost daily walks. Together, they stroll up and down the roads around...
Let All Things Now Living
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen... "Let All Things Now Living" by Katherine K. Davis, Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving to God the Creator triumphantly raise, who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us, who guides us and leads to the end of our...
Finding Sunshine
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... The windstorm that struck our beautiful island early this week was incredible! I’m sure this is one that future generations will grow tired of hearing about. We’ll all have remarkable stories about the weather that we’ve experienced...
The Lovely Dark
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen... It’s amazing how many timers and clocks we have in our lives. This past weekend when we “fell back,” I’m sure I set nearly 10 different devices around our house, from thermostats to light timers, to clocks. All in the effort to avoid...
Focus, People, Focus!
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... By the time you read this, Brenda and I will have experienced the Andrea Bocelli concert at the completely remade Key Arena, now known as Climate Pledge Arena. The last time I was in that arena it was to watch the Seattle Sonics go down...
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy “For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10 Have you ever been lost? Or maybe even just misplaced – like you know where you should be, but you’re not quite sure how to get there? It’s really not a good feeling....
When Life Gives You Green Tomatoes…
Today’s Word from Laura Canby... I enjoy harvesting veggies from my garden this time of year -- a reward to labors during spring and summer. Usually, I have buckets of various red tomatoes: plum, Roma, heirloom, cherry tomatoes, beefsteak, etc. We enjoy them in...
Honoring Angels
Today’s Word from Trinity member, Ron Roesler... Life is a constant flow of transitions and lessons… When born, we know very little. At eighteen, most of us knew everything. At least I believed I did. Then, it takes a lifetime to learn and realize how little I/we...
Be Thou My Vision
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf Text Origin: Middle Irish Poem “Rop tú mo Baile” Attribution: Saint Dallan Forgaill Tune: Slane (the village from which this Old Irish folk tune was collected) Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, save...
A Promise Made
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom A promise made is a promise kept. I remember my dad uttering those words while he quietly wept. Some business partners had, years before, made a promise on a handshake, and were now reneging. Through hard work he had kept his side of the...
What is Your Calling?
Today's Word from Deacon Amy... "Your calling is where your own greatest joy intersects with the needs of the world." – Frederick Buechner I love this quote from Frederick Buechner. I first heard it my Vocation class at Trinity Lutheran College. It was an entry level...
Renewal in the Wilderness
Today's word from Laura Canby... “…He frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray.” Luke 5:16 The Gospels tell us that Jesus frequently went into the wilderness (nature) to pray. I like to think that in addition to conversing with His Father, He was refreshed by the...
Making a Positive Difference in the World
Today's Word from Trinity member Ron Roesler... I am just one of seven billion people. What can one person do to make a positive difference in the world? What could one in billions possibly do to affect the whole world? I have my own problems and opinions. As good as I...
An Evening Hymn, This Morning
Today's Word from Karl Olsen... One of my favorite hymns, in our hymnal or any other, is an old favorite sung to the hymn tune TALLIS CANON, All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night. Part of my affection for this hymn is its straight forward, wonderful,...
Uncommonly Common
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... “I’m an idiot!” Not an uncommon piece of internal conversation I have that is never ever to be available for an outside audience. But it is, none the less, a fairly regular piece of ticker tape that floats across my frontal lobe. I mean...
More Kindness
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... “Nothing in nature lives for itself. The rivers do not drink their own water; the trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule...
Drills – Revisited
During Pastor Jim's Sabbatical, we have decided to revisit some previous missives. They were written in the earlier days of the pandemic. The original publication date has been left on the missive. A Word from Pastor Jim March 18 2020 I remember the drills. Not the...
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary in Our Sanctuary
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Twenty-five years ago, we were preparing for our first worship service in our newly built sanctuary. We had been planning, fundraising, and laboring for years in anticipation of this day. In August of that year my parents would be...
Walking in Limbo
Today's Word from Mark Winslow This pandemic time reminds me a great deal of a previous time in my life about forty years ago. Walking in limbo. I was 28 years old and experiencing the happiest day of my life, at that time. I was getting married to the woman I loved,...
’Til Each Tear Becomes a Rose
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf... Pastor Jim recently preached the good word about Love as the Greatest Commandment—the love of God, the love of neighbor, the love of self. But life and love among we mere mortals can be a tricky business. Human relations are...
Extravagant Hospitality
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:1-2 It was one of those quick church conversations while moving about from office...
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... As I write this, I am listening to our Karl play and sing “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say.” Assuming you were blessed by his devotion last Wednesday, the tune “Kingsfold” might still be ringing in your head. This is a favorite hymn of...
Choose Kind
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... “Nothing beats kindness… it sits quietly beyond all things.” Charlie Mackesy. I was waiting in line at a sandwich shop the other day when an older gentleman in front of me turned to look at me and smiled. He told me that he liked my...
Happy Birthday Web and Marion!
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... I hope you will join us this Sunday, September 26, for a very special day in the life of our community. We are having a birthday party this coming Sunday for Web Halvorsen. On September 28th, Web will be celebrating his 103rd Birthday....
Whose is it?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “The heavens are yours, the earth is also yours; the world and all that is in it -- you founded them.” Psalm 89:11 The flamboyant entertainer Liberace was a remarkable musician, but he was known for his lavish costumes, lavish rings,...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “The grass withers, the flower fades, surely the people are grass.” Isaiah She approached me after the worship service; the mask covered a face that had weathered seasons of great joy and unspeakable sorrow. There were things about...
I Am the Vine… You Are the Branches
Today's Word from Laura Canby... As I did morning slug patrol in the garden, vines of tender, unfolding grape leaves caught my eye. A long-ago memory came to mind – along with a hankering for dolmas. I was a freshman in a Christian college in Northern California above...
The Art of the Tune
Today's Word from Karl Olsen... “The art of sewing lyrics with the tune is very interesting….” Ankit Tiwari, Indian playback singer and songwriter. Last Sunday we played a song called The Invitation as part of the Prelude music for the church service. If you were...
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 Our nation changed twenty years ago today; our world was changed by terrorism. Our nation has been changed by Covid19; our world has been changed by this pandemic....
The Spirituality of Craft
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... It’s Labor Day. I am laboring on Labor Day. Looking out over Lake Chelan at the masses enjoying the fruits of our last summer holiday, I sit at the computer typing my little fingers off. I’m a laborer. On Labor Day. Now in the interest...
A Little Faith
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that my daughters and I took some time away recently. Leaving home, when you have a small farm, is a big undertaking. It can sometimes be a challenge to find someone reliable and competent to manage the...
Love of Neighbor
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... The bubonic plague is believed to have been in existence since at least 224 B.C.E. The plague arrived in Europe in October of 1347. In the five-year period that followed, one third of the population of Europe was dead. The bubonic...
What If You Only Had a Day?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... She smiled when I sat down by her bed; she squeezed my hand firmly, her eyes communicated as she was no longer able to talk. Scripture washed over her, the Lord’s prayer rhythmically echoed, the familiar words now touched the deepest...
Love Demands Caution and Sensitivity
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” 2 Corinthians 13:12 It was the 21st day of October 1989. The next day I would be installed at Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland. Felicia was nursing four-month-old Kelsi as I shared bedtime...
When Jesus Calls
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf My daughter, Ada—age 17 and the last of my five children still in my nest—is something of an archivist. We both collect words and phrases, delighting in things people say that are unexpected, or that have never been said to us...
A Source of Inspiration
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “What matters is to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement.” Victor Frankl I spend a fair amount of time giving pep talks these days, mostly to myself. Victor Frankl’s life story has been a source of inspiration for more than...
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... “He’s at a loss for words!” giggled my sister. It was true. I was so stunned by the moment I was left without a single word. Admittedly, it doesn’t happen much, but the sudden appearance of friends wishing me a happy birthday had left...
Walking in Darkness
Today's Word from Deacon Amy... "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105 My family is taking a little time away before busy schedules resume in the fall. We had originally planned to travel east toward Montana, but wildfires and pandemic...
Do You Believe in God?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim....“I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how a man could look up to the heavens and say there is no God.” Abraham Lincoln.“If there is no God, nothing...
Speak the Words of God
Today's Word from Pastor Jim...I thought this morning that I would start by telling you a lie and the truth. I am counting on you to determine which statement is the lie and which is the truth.1. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never...
Grief and Joy
Today's Word by Karl Olsen...It is a human dichotomy, that we can experience joy and grief in close proximity, both exceedingly real and life-impacting. One sometimes influencing the other, but ending up perhaps in gratitude, giving thanks for the good...
Scholarship Thank Yous
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland — who are we and what are we about? We are followers of Jesus. Jesus — who cared for the marginalized, ate with sinners, and touched the untouchable. We are pilgrims on a journey of faith. We do not...
It Hurts When They Leave
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “By the waters of Babylon we sat and wept.” Psalm 137 It hurts when they leave, and they always leave. The most painful part of parish life and ministry is when they leave, and they always leave. We buried Tom Bast two weeks ago. After...
Angels Unaware
Today's Word from Pastor Tom... I was dumbfounded. He didn’t remember. It was his decision that altered the course of my life and he didn’t remember. “Tom, it was so nice of you to take the time to search me out. After all these years this is indeed a fine gesture but...
Compassion Camp
Today's Word from Deacon Amy... Our theme at Vacation Bible School last week was all about Compassion. That’s a pretty big concept for kids! We talked about kindness and love and taking care of each other. Our chant for the week was: I see your hurt, I feel your hurt,...
Should I Stop Praying?
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me...
Home is in the Heart
Today's Word from Sheila Weidendorf... If early 20th century writer, Thomas Wolfe, was correct, “you/we can never go home again.” Of course, we can—geographically-speaking—go anywhere we wish these days, even into the reaches of space itself if we’ve sufficient...
Sabbatical Update
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... Sabbaticals in the church, and in higher education, have a long history. For six years I served as the Chair of Academic Affairs at Luther Seminary and our committee regularly reviewed and approved sabbatical proposals. In the ELCA...
What a Ride!
Today's Word from Pastor Dennis... “Here’s the church, here’s the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people.” Well, something like that. Eventually it gets to the people and thus the “church.” Luther once said - among a whole lot of other things - that God works...
A Word on Worship from Pastor Jim
Wearing a Mask as a Sign of Unity in Fighting the Pandemic Join us for worship on August 1st at Trinity Lutheran Church. In-person worship will be held at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. For your convenience, the 8:00 a.m. service will also be live-streamed and can be viewed at...
Leave it to the Amateurs
Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... Soffit… Webster’s, “the underside of a part or member of a building.” Soffits are not typically a topic of conversation. They are not a part of construction that typically captures one’s attention. They are the eaves for goodness’...
Embrace the Day
Today's Word from Deacon Amy... Awake, my soul! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn. I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations. Psalm 57:8-9 My daughter, Lia, sent me the attached picture today. She...
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Now there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit; there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common...