Today’s Word from Linda Nevermann…

Growing up, I was told “little things don’t matter.” I’m nearly 72 years old and I’m telling you that they do.

After the tragic pandemic and slowly realizing that there is a new future of normalcy, I’ve appreciated more than ever, that little things matter.

We are replacing our deck. Anyone that has ever had to do that knows the agony of sore muscles, inertia to get it done, and annoying hurdles; crawling over countless joists, bumps and bruises, and forgetting the screwdriver at the opposite end of the joists.

While my son James and I worked on our deck a couple weeks ago in the cool weather, surprisingly, we (mostly me) had mosquitoes buzzing around and filling their little bellies till they bulged. At one time, I would have gotten the fly swatter and gone on a rampage, but this time I brushed them off, realizing I was still on the right side of the ground to see one of God’s tiny creatures, annoying as they might be.

I love Spring! Everything bursts into new life and energy. The shot weed is overly enthusiastic, hummingbirds are ravenous, slugs slowly move to their next shade of green edibles, trees are budding and blooming, and flowers are preparing to burst into a pallet of colors to enjoy into the Fall.

As humans try to reorient into a new routine, there are many little things that matter. One of the first things at church were the Greeters at the entrance. Smiles were offered and friendly words exchanged. During the services, fist pumps, high 5’s, and awkward hugs were offered. Little things matter.

A couple of months ago, I was talking with a dear friend and she shared how “useless” she felt and that she had nothing to offer. I was stunned! I quickly let her know the impact she has on me and anyone else she comes near. She has a particularly sweet disposition and smile that immediately warms my heart.

We have the God-given gift and power to heal each other in the smallest and most effortless ways. Eye contact with someone acknowledges their existence, a touch on the shoulder or back sends a warm loving gesture, and that hug may be the only affection that person has received all week. The housebound are uplifted with a note or phone call and patients in institutions wait for their doctors or nurses, for news, or to see a friendly face. That pot of soup offered to the sick is a gesture of love and understanding of the need for sustenance during illnesses. Little things matter.

The cat’s tail that drags on your leg is telling you they care (or most likely want something), the puppy kisses are genuine and only seek a hug and a lap to rest on, the birds that sing brightly at 5 AM each morning, whether the sun is going to shine or be an overcast day; all God’s way of reaching out to us.

The cuddles from a small child are swoon-worthy, the laughter or smile from others are uplifting, and sloppy baby kisses mend a heartache instantly.

All of us seek acknowledgement, and unknowingly or not, little things matter. It is in our DNA to care for ourselves and others. It is not unique to Christians, but inclusive through all faiths and humanity. All of us have the divine authority empowered to each of us to care for others.

Last Sunday, Trinity Bells played Amazing Grace with guest musicians and vocalists and Congregation. It is an age-old familiar song that allows us to reassess and renew our faith and move forward with deliberateness. This Easter season has opened the post-pandemic doors to all experiences and we should share as much as we can. All of us are in recovery and renewal.

While I love many of the older hymns, this is one of my favorite newer hymns. Let’s take it to our hearts and pass it on.

“A New Commandment”

A new commandment I give unto you,
that you love one another as I have loved you,
that you love one another as I have loved you.

By this shall all know that you are my disciples,
if you have love one for another;
by this shall all know that you are my disciples:
if you have love one for another.

Text. John 13: 34-35 Music: Anonymous

In Peace and love to you!