Middle School Youth Group & Confirmation classes are held from 12:00 – 2:00 on Sunday afternoons, beginning September 24, 2023. We’ll have lunch together, engage in faith-based conversations, and play some fun games!
If you would like to be included on this email list, contact Deacon Amy by email, [email protected]
Trinity’s Confirmation Program Outline:
Confirmation at Trinity is a three-year program (generally sixth to eighth grades), culminating in the public Affirmation of Faith, made during the Spring of the third year.
When students Affirm their Baptismal promises and beliefs before the congregation, they will be making a public profession that they will:
- Live among God’s faithful people
- Hear the Word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper
- Proclaim the Good News of God in Christ through word and deed
- Serve all people, following the example of our Lord Jesus
- Strive for justice and peace in all the earth
It is the goal of our Confirmation Program to prepare students to wholly understand and faithfully embrace these promises. This understanding will come through three focus areas: Classroom Instruction, Life Experiences, and Faithful Relationships.
Classroom Instruction will cover the Old Testament, New Testament, and Small Catechism including Faith in Life and Lutheran Worship Practices.
Christian Life Experiences will include regular worship attendance, worship notes, service during worship (acolyte, usher, greet, etc.), overnight retreats, service projects, and group trips to other faith communities.
Each student in our Confirmation Program will be paired with an adult member of the congregation to be Faith Partners. These adults and students will walk this faith journey together, discovering and growing along the way.