A little bit of our history…

Frequently Asked Questions

We welcome your questions!

You are invited to call our church office and set up a time to come by and discuss any questions you may have about God, spirituality and church… or anything else on your mind and heart. Here are a few of the questions we are frequently asked.

Q: What if I do not have a Lutheran background?

A: Join the club. About 60% of the members at Trinity Church do not have Lutheran roots. We have come here from Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Roman Catholic backgrounds. Many have come to Trinity with little or no church background. Our backgrounds are diverse. Our beliefs are diverse also. We believe that God has called us to worship and serve in this place, at this time in our lives.

Q: Am I welcome to participate if I am not a member?

A: Yes. You are welcome to worship and serve here. You are invited to sing in the choir, participate in Adult Ed, serve on our committees, and share your opinions about our future.

Q: What about Communion? Am I welcome at the Lord’s table, even if I am not a member?

A: The Host is Jesus Christ. If Jesus invites you to share in the bread and wine of Holy Communion, then you are invited, encouraged, and welcomed at the Lord’s table. No one will check your membership card or question your motives. Simply come.

Q: I cannot drink alcohol, so how can I come to Holy Communion?

A: Grape juice is always provided in a separate chalice next to the wine. The communion servers are ready to assist without notice or commotion.

Q: How do I become a member of TLC?

A: Membership classes are offered three times a year to explore a variety of topics about what it means to be a Christian, what Lutherans believe, and information about how Trinity Lutheran church functions and the services it provides. (October, January, April) There is no pressure to join Trinity. We have a number of people who faithfully attend Trinity who for whatever reason have chosen not to formally join the Lutheran Church. Just come. Be fed spiritually. Learn. Serve. Open your life up for change. Put yourself in the path of the Gospel.


8 or 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary
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(360) 331-5191
Physical Address:
18341 State Route 525

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 97
Freeland, WA 98249

See our Contact Page for email links

Subscribe TLC messages

A Welcoming Church...

Here is one of our call and response prayers that we often pray at the beginning of a worship service. It pretty well explains how we seek to be as a church: welcoming.

Reader:  Either all are welcome,10998316_786116321442067_6161887585444571612_o

People:  or all will be excluded.

Reader:  Either all are welcome,

People:   or the church becomes a club.

Reader:   What if I have sinned?

People:   You are welcome here.

Reader:   What if I doubt God?DSCN8539

People:   You are welcome here.

Reader:   But I have a checkered past.

People:    God offers a new beginning.

Reader:   The door to God’s house is open.

People:    All are welcome here.

Reader:   All are welcome in God’s house.

People:   Saints and sinners, doubters and skeptics.Lenten supper 2

Reader:   …All are welcome here.

People:   Open our eyes that we may see,

Reader:  that we may see as You see,

People:  that we may love as You love.

30 years ago on Oct. 22, Pastor Jim Lindus began serving as pastor at TLC. He, along with his wife Felicia, Minister of Music Karl Olsen, and Parish Manager Robin Edgeman received words of gratitude and applause during the announcement portion at each service. This video is a compilation of three separate videos, one played at each service, as a means of saying thank you.