Today’s Word from Trinity member Ron Roesler…

I am just one of seven billion people. What can one person do to make a positive difference in the world? What could one in billions possibly do to affect the whole world?

I have my own problems and opinions. As good as I believe I am, what could I possibly do to make a difference and change our entire civilization? Probably nothing! In fact, it’s probably not even possible. So, why even try?

And so, if we believe there is no hope for a better future and no one takes a stand for taking action, nothing will ever change. It really is up to me and you!

After 80+ years and a ton of mistakes made, some personally devastating and hurtful, I am just one person still working through my own stuff. I have apologized, asked to be forgiven, and importantly, forgiven myself. I continue to learn a better way of being in order to right my life-ship; to be a better person.

Perhaps you can relate?

With that, I continue to express the important life-lessons I’ve learned. Perhaps simply to reinforce for myself how I want to show up?

What I firmly believe is that one person can be, and plant, the seeds that blossom into a beautiful flower garden, or a great new way of being… or perhaps even a new movement to make a positive difference!

You could be that seed! I could be that seed! Each of us is a microcosm of the whole. The whole is a reflection of the behaviors of its collective microcosms. You and I are microcosms of our individual, unique communities, and the entire world.

One thing that can be done is to personally and fully behave in the manner you believe important to yourself, your community, and the world.

You, and I, can consciously strengthen personal values and behavior muscles each and every time we interact with others, behaving in alignment with our own vision of good in all of our interactions.

Also, there are many important personal values to consider for “muscle building.” Contemplate the following key behavior values for your personal “muscle building:”

Integrity? Humility? Accountability? Empathy? Compassion? Vulnerability? Inclusiveness? Listening? Authenticity? Determination? Love? Seeking and seeing the good? Not having to be right? Gratitude?

After reviewing the list, check in with yourself and write down, on a scale of 1-10, how well you rate yourself on each. You may want to add others to your list.

There are fourteen in all here. A perfect score would be a total of 140. As much as I would like to, I cannot claim even close to a perfect score for myself… and I’m working on it every day.

Whatever your score, there is an opportunity to become better; to step over personal judgements and honor and share the good in you. The well-worn saying applies here, “put your best foot forward.” In other words, acknowledge the good in you and show up and be yourself.

It’s the perfect way to make a positive difference in your personal circle and your microcosm.

On another level, volunteer for a local non-profit service organization or religious institution such as a church, synagogue, or ashram. Volunteering is making a difference.

Taking a stand for “better” in your local community is making a difference.

On a grander scale, consider gathering a few friends together to focus on ideas to make a difference in your community/microcosm. Another great way to make a difference.

Revered author, Margret Meade, famously noted: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

Taking Meade’s words to heart changes impossible into possible… a doable task! The only question to answer is how you, or we, or I, choose to show up? What is it you choose to do? What do you see as a possible path forward?

The biggest challenge most of us face is past conditioning. Being told (and believing) it’s impossible. Being told, and/or believing, you’re not good enough. Procrastination or avoidance. Perhaps waiting or hoping that someone else will step forward.

In each case, the challenge is to get by the enormity, the messages of impossibility, the self-doubt, and to make something happen… if for no other reason than to discover that you, one unique individual, can make a positive difference. Do us all a favor, get out there and let your light shine even brighter and make a positive difference!

Ron Roesler