Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

There has been a lot of criticism of the Christian Church in recent years and it has led many to be skeptical of all organized religion. The criticism has been mostly fair. This is not a new story; the Christian Church has opened itself to criticism for 2,000 years. We have often wandered away from the teachings of our Rabbi Jesus. In the pursuit of power, wealth, and influence we have often left behind the towel and basin used in foot washing. Like any human institution, the Christian Church has had it share of scandals, misguided programs, dishonest dealings, and the betrayal of its own values. Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther sought to reform the church he loved by setting the people of God free from questionable teachings and superstitious practices.

Things have changed in the past 500 years, and things haven’t changed. Human institutions are inherently flawed by the humans who run them. No government, church, non-profit, college, or business is free from blemish. History is clear; from the Garden of Eden to Wall Street, if humans are in charge, then scandal is bound to be close at hand. In recent years the Christian Church has experienced a mass exodus as disillusioned parishioners have left the Church behind. As I read the news, observe the behavior of Christians, and experience life in an institution that is more concerned with self-preservation than the plight of the poor, I can’t say that I blame them.

All humans and all institutions are flawed. There is an old saying, “If you find a perfect church, don’t join it; if you do, it won’t be perfect anymore.” Our goal is not to have a perfect church, filled with perfect people, Lord, have mercy! Our goal is to be honest about who we are, vulnerable in humanity, and faithful in following Jesus. If we stumble along holding true to these values, I believe that we can make a difference on our island and in the world. The Church is flawed, TLC is flawed. Very aware of that, Jesus has called us still to continue the work he started. We have been entrusted with the Gospel; we are to be people of grace. It starts at home, with our treatment of those we live with, but it does not end there. We are to feed the poor, care for the sick, provide hospitality for the immigrant, all the while working for justice and peace.

They’ll know we are Christians by our love. That has not always been the case. But in 2021, the flawed people of God at TLC, pandemically weary, facing an uncertain future, followed Jesus and in every corner of the globe flawed humans were touched by grace. Blessed to be a Blessing! Let me conclude by sharing with you our 2021 benevolence report.

All I can say is, Thank you!

One day closer,
Pastor Jim