Pastor Jim’s Blog
SUMMER SURVEYS: The Best is Yet to Come – Question #2
SUMMER SURVEYS: The Best is Yet to ComeQuestion #2Today’s Word from Pastor JimWe hope that you will join the Church Council this Summer as we talk about the future of our beloved Trinity Lutheran Church. In preparation for a new five-year plan, we will be...
When I Was a Child I Thought Like a Child
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... This is a photo from worship last Sunday. Cooper and Brooks are cousins, they also happen to be my grandsons. Cooper and Brooks, moved by the Holy Spirit, or restlessness, decided to dance to the closing hymn. They had much to...
SUMMER SURVEYS: The Best is Yet to Come
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... We hope that you will join in with the Church Council this Summer as we talk about the future of our beloved Trinity Lutheran Church. In preparation for a new five-year plan, we will be talking together and listening to each other. Each...
A Ship Set Sail
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... There was a ship preparing to leave the dock for a voyage upon the open sea. Those departing gathered on the deck for the sail away, leaning against the rails of the great liner, hoping to catch a final glimpse of the loved ones who...
A Festive, Joyful Sunday at TLC!
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Join us June 11th for worship this Sunday at 8 & 10 a.m. This Sunday will be marked by Joy! Come out to worship, fellowship, and celebrate! The service will feature beautiful, uplifting music by our fantastic TLC musicians. There...
How Are Your Roots?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord. They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and it leaves shall stay green; in the year of...
Deathbed Insight
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... It has been my privilege, a sacred honor, to be at the deathbed of so many, to experience final moments, and a final breath. Pastor Dan Erlander, my friend, mentor, and partner in ministry at TLC for a decade, shared a deathbed...
Don’t Pray
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.There is a lot of talk these days about “thoughts and prayers.” I believe in the power of both. Great thinkers have changed the world. All human achievement begins...
It Started With A Vision…
Today's Word From Pastor Jim...It started with a vision. No one else shared the vision; we were after all, growing, expanding our TLC campus and staff. Money was tight, we were in debt; we were following Jesus by extending love and hospitality to our...
How Many Ways Can I Be Grateful?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... A few weeks ago, on a cold Spring night, David Roth ended his concert in the safety and warmth of our sanctuary with a song about gratitude. The recurring refrain was “How many ways can I be grateful? How many ways?” It was...
Dining at Canlis
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Jesus said, “Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve.” Mark 10:43-44One-time,...
Do You Believe?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Do you believe in God? Do you believe in gravity?The oldest confession of faith is this; “In the beginning God created.” This a confession, nothing more. The story goes on to describe creation, but the details of this...
Sitting With Grief
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...“But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb.” - John 20:11I saw you there; sitting with a Kleenex in your hand, wiping the tears from your eyes. I saw you there, as a beautiful garden adorned the chancel, and the choir sang like...
Dark & Quiet
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Spring is in the air. The magnolias are blooming at Augusta National; the Mariners are playing baseball, recreational boaters are getting ready to raise the sails, and the days are getting longer and warmer.Tomorrow we will...
The Movement of God
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Tomorrow we descend the Mount of Olives in a parade of palms, as Jesus enters the Holy City of Jerusalem for the last time. There were thousands along the pilgrim path that day, peasants from small villages, and religious zealots with...
Donkeys, Palms, Love, Passion…
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen... They didn’t know what was next. But the excitement was palpable. It was in the air—everyone felt it, even those who knew this could be trouble for them. Excitement, but they just didn’t know… Mary rode into town on a donkey, swollen...
Life Is Not Fair
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... She was 18 years old, about to graduate from high school, looking forward to attending Western Washington University next fall. She worked at the Flower Café in Bayview. She was young and alive, her future was bright, and on March 22 on...
Let’s Get This Straight…
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the...
God Loves You
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... "Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change. In fact, God loves you so that you can change." I think that it is safe to say that most of us would benefit from behavioral changes. The changes that I am talking...
Take Another Shot of Courage
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Sunday we will gather at the altar. Sunday we will join a parade of broken humans, journeying side by side down the center aisle of this safe place we call the sanctuary. We will move slowly with canes and walkers, oxygen tanks trailing...
Why Worship?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... WHY WORSHIP? God commands us to worship. Worship is not optional for the Christian. God commands that we gather to hear God’s Word, to sing hymns of praise, and to lift our prayers to God. Worship is THE PLACE where the family gathers...
Thoughts for the Journey
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... It has not been an infrequent comment of incredulity received when I suggest I am more appreciative of the church season of Lent as opposed to Advent. The Four Sundays of Advent prepare us for Christmas whereas Lent is 40 days (not...
Live Immediately
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “We are little butterflies flying around for a day, thinking that we will make it forever.” - Carl Sagan This from a brilliant man and scientist who died at Fred Hutchinson in Seattle at the age of 62. On April 12, 1912, William John...
Imago Dei
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... It was the dawn of creation, the seas were teeming with life, birds filled the air, flowers bloomed, trees blossomed, and it was good. On the sixth day of creation, immediately preceding a day of rest, God created humans. God said, “Let...
God’s Love: A Valentine For Us All
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... In just a few days we will celebrate a “red rose” event. A day of romance or romantic recall. A day to celebrate love by exchanging cards or flowers or phone calls or hugs.Sweet words and loving wishes are exchanged each year on the...
Earthquake Disaster Relief
God's children in Turkey and Syria are hurting. Devastating earthquakes have left thousands dead, many still missing, and many more homeless and heartbroken. Lutheran Disaster Response is on the ground right now, offering temporary shelter and critically needed care...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “The grass withers and the flower fades.” Isaiah 40:8 When I was a teenager, it seemed that I was always hungry. I could eat most anytime, and when ordering food at a restaurant, or gathering around the family dinner table, I always...
Inferiority Complex
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... In the days after Christmas, I read historian David McCullough’s gripping biography of our nation’s 33rd President, Harry S. Truman. The book is simply titled, “Truman,” and it begins long before Harry Truman’s birth in May of 1884. The...
Life Sentence… Without Parole
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... In the fall of 2001, I was 42 years old. I had one daughter in High School, one in Middle School, and one in her last year at the Elementary School. At Trinity Lutheran Church, on September 9th, we dedicated a new addition to our campus...
Hold On To Hope
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 I don't live in a Pollyanna world. I see more heartache and death than the average person. I hear stories, tear-filled stories and...
Free At Last
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty we are free at last.”Martin Luther King, Jr. – August 28, 1963 “Nobody’s free, until everybody’s free.”Fannie Lou Hamer, Civil Rights leader History tells us that the United States has...
My Heart is Full
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf... Oh, how precious are you, am I, are we, Children of God all and so well-crafted in God’s own image! And, too, we are beautiful, with all of our gifts and graces, our failings AND our foibles. Yet, knowing this, believing that God...
Am I Safe?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... She was cute as a button, swim goggles in place, her pink one-piece suit a perfect complement to her sandy brown hair, which hung in a ponytail off the back of her head. She was three years old, not a grandchild of mine, though she...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... And so it is that 2022 will slip rather silently into the unchanging pages of history. Its story has now been written; the year will not be revisited or relived. It is history. We will remember 2022 as a difficult but remarkable year....
Looking Back / Moving Forward
Today's Word from guest writer Laura Canby... Happy almost New Year! Just a few days days ago at church, Robin Edgeman and I were reflecting how fast the years are passing. I remember my late father telling me that the older one gets, the more time speeds up. I now...
Who Was There?
A Christmas Eve Word from Pastor Jim... Merry Christmas my friends! I hope to see you tonight as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus. Our 4 p.m. service will include favorite Christmas Carols, special music, and a skit that is sure to delight the young and old....
Don’t Lose the Story
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... I think about her often. She lived in a modest home built by her father. She walked with a limp, and drove a Cadillac. When I came over, we made fudge together. She taught me how to play poker. She was the first person I knew with a...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... It has been a tough year for those on Wall Street and for those who have IRA or retirement money invested in the financial markets. Not every year on Wall Street is a good year. Many of us have felt some anxiety as our 401K dwindled to...
The Season that Lends Itself to Reminiscing
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... This is a season that lends itself to reminiscing. There are so many memories embedded in the music, customs, food, and festivities of Christmas. Together we will remember the journey of Mary and Joseph as they traveled under the...
All I Want For Christmas
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... What great excitement filled the Lindus household in the 1960’s when the Sears catalog arrived in the mail. Pen in hand, my sister, my brother, and I would take turns thumbing through the most amazing array of toys, gadgets, and...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Your TLC Staff wishes you all a festive, reflective, memorable Thanksgiving 2022. We are thankful for you and for the many ways that you generously support your Church, the Church where everybody’s welcome. The first permanent European...
Reflection on a Rich Man’s Art Collection
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... A week ago, at Christie’s Auction House in New York City, a portion of the art collection of Microsoft co-founder, Paul Allen, was sold for 1.6 billion dollars. Paul Allen, who also owned the Seahawks, died of cancer four years ago at...
Country Western Sunday
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Join us tomorrow for a worship service featuring Country Western music. “I’ll Fly Away,” “I Saw the Light,” “Keep on the Sunny Side,” and “Will the Circle Be Unbroken,” are just a few of the upbeat offerings this Sunday. One of the...
The Illusion of Independence
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Young adults distance themselves from their parents as they seek their independence. Marriages sometimes fail when one party desires the freedom of independence. Senior citizens look to downsize, but they want to remain independent....
Honoring Those Who Served the Cause of Freedom
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... On a sunshine-drenched fall day one year ago, Felicia and I walked silently through the American Cemetery above the beaches of Normandy. The rows of white crosses stretched toward the heavens above, supported by the meticulously...
An Attitude of Gratitude
Today’s Word from Laura Canby... . Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. – Psalm 100:4 "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder."...
Leave Something Behind
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Sunday is All Saints Sunday at TLC. We will be lighting candles as we remember and give thanks for the lives of those saints who journeyed with us at TLC: Ed Oetken, Web Halvorsen, Else Mills, Agnes Morgan, Betty Lehman,...
Martin Luther & The Reformation
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... 505 years ago, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. He wished to spark debate among academics; he hoped that honest discussion might lead to honest...
Truth, Beauty, Goodness
Today’s Word from Laura Canby... "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."– Philippians 4:18...
Time to Come Home
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...The pandemic was disruptive to every aspect of American society. Senior citizens were isolated, assisted care facilities locked down, and essential workers took care of our basic needs. Meanwhile, students and teachers had to...
Borders…drawing circles…
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen... Psalm 27:13 (NIV)"I remain confident of this:I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." I’ve been spending time on the border lately. Actually, I’ve crossed several borders this year—Israel/Palestine,...
Thanks for NOTHING
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... OK, the sermon last Sunday was about nothing! And everyone was so appreciative. They said, “Pastor, thanks for nothing.”So please remember NOTHING that I say.There is NOTHING we can do to make God love us more, and there is...
In Loving Memory of Pastor Dan Erlander
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Pastor Daniel Erlander joined our staff in 1995, and served Trinity for nearly a decade. Dan brought so many gifts to us. He was a gifted teacher, writer, illustrator, and preacher. His reach was far beyond the shores of...
We’re in This Together
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... It’s been a while since I’ve shared a story from our busy little farm. There has been a lot of activity over the summer with animals coming and going, and fairs and shows all over the state. I’m sure there is more than one tale that I...
Protecting Jesus: Strange Concept
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Then little children were being brought to Jesus in order that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples spoke sternly to those who brought them.” Matthew 19:13It was there from the earliest days of the...
The Birds Sang Om Shantih For My Mother
Today's Word from Sheila Weidendorf It was a week after my mother’s passing. Just back from Minnesota with her ashes in tow, my husband and I set up a pooja (altar) in the back yard beneath a giant cedar tree. (In his Hindu tradition, vigil is kept in this way through...
We Need Each Other
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where is my help to come?” Psalm 121The suffering of the young, the innocent, and the righteous has a long history of mystifying people of faith. Where is God in my suffering? Does God...
Lutheran Disaster Relief for Hurricane Ian Victims
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... 100% of our gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response go directly to help our neighbors in the path of Hurricane Ian. TLC has a long history of coming to the aid of those who suffer from natural disasters. We can give with...
Who Are We?
Today's Word from Karl Olsen... Deb and I have been doing some work on the house this late summer and early autumn. There’s nothing like the promise of another La Niña winter to make you “find” time you didn’t think you had to accomplish those outdoor...
They Come Every Week
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2What was it like, the first time you walked in the doors of TLC? Were you nervous? Did you...
Back to Preschool
Today's Word from Deacon Amy... Preschool is back!! We're excited to have the voices and laughter of our youngest friends back in the classrooms, hallways, and out the doors. It is so good to be together again!Once again, we are spending a large portion of...
The Last Statement of Your Life
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... What will be the last statement of your life?Many cultures have put a great emphasis on one’s final words, often spoken on a deathbed. Consider for a moment these final words of famous people:The poet Emily Dickenson said,...
Do Not Judge
Today's Word by Pastor Jim Lindus...Jesus said, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged.” Matthew 7:1...There are a variety of Spiritual Gifts listed in the Bible: Prophecy, Serving, Teaching,...
My Hero
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... Under the category of less than sincere, it would not be uncommon of me to offer, “You are moving way up my list of heroes... it’s a pretty lengthy list.” Picture a variety of settings... someone just made a 12-inch putt for...
Be Still and Know…
Today’s Word from guest writer Laura Canby... Be still and know that I am God. -- Psalm 46:10 Late August and early September evenings will usually find me on the beach at Lagoon Point or Bush Point, fishing rod in hand, hoping to land a silver salmon. So...
If You Want to Go Far
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim....“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” --African Proverb... We have stayed home for 30 months. We locked down and masked up. We have achieved much in these pandemic days. We have cast a...
Thank You Teacher Felicia
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...On Sunday September 4th we will be marking another transition at TLC. Felicia Lindus will join Pastor Eric and Linda Nevermann on the roles of the retired.Felicia joined TLC , with a toddler and a baby in tow, in October of...
Faith Like a Child
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim....Just days before Brenda’s funeral, Felicia and I invited Pastor Tom over for dinner at our middle daughter's beach house. The old preachers sat on the deck sipping a glass of wine, as Felicia lovingly prepared a meal. We...
When a Soul Takes Flight
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf... Dan was a drummer who marched to his own beat his whole life. He was a master of words, whether being socially glib or arguing a cause in the Model UN program when he was still in high school. He was a tireless advocate and...
High School Adventure
Today's Word from Deacon Amy... "Thank you, Trinity!" the voices rang out from the water where a group of bobbing heads were smiling and laughing. Gratitude was a common theme throughout our time in Montana. These high school students fully recognized and appreciated...
Amazing Grace: Complicated Ethics
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Mine is the Church where everybody’s welcome. We had to install a new sign by the entrance of the meadow. The meadow is an outdoor classroom used primarily by the Trinity Preschool. It served a critical need during the...
A Note From Pastor Eric and Kathleen... I can identify with the leper who received healing from Jesus, coming back and praising God for this gift of liberation. That gratitude was a far greater gift than the healing, for it acknowledged who gave the gift. In the same...
Make It A Good Day
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...I would like to start today by sharing with you one of my foundational philosophical and theological beliefs: You do not have the power to ruin God’s day, but you do have the power to ruin your life.This higher power that we...
The Shadow of Death
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom...“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23My imagination has recently been held captive by four words, “the shadow...
Thank You Pastor Eric & Kathleen Ottum
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... This Sunday we will be marking the retirement of Pastor Eric Ottum from Trinity Lutheran Church. Pastor Eric and Kathleen have served the Lutheran Church for more than 53 years. For the past sixteen years they have served...
No Cure for Being Human
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Author Kate Bowler reminds us that there is no cure for being human. On occasion, the inescapable human condition leaves us with loss, grief, tears, silent graveside visits, and empty chairs at the table. Dust, water, star...
CALLED TO BE ALIVE! – A Rite of Passage
Today’s Word from Jerry R. O’Neill... My rite of passage from midlife to elderhood has been more than ten years in the making. Trinity Lutheran has been a huge part of that journey. So it is with great joy that I can share songs, short poems, and...
The Darkness Cannot Overcome the Light
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...This week one of our TLC families was devastated by the suicide of a beloved father. He died on the very day that his son was celebrating his 14th birthday. I was asked to give thought, words, and perspective to the family....
T-Shirts & Shorts All Summer Long
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...It is hot, hot, hot, but the sanctuary and gym stay remarkably cool even during a heat wave! This Sunday, wear your favorite T-Shirt, wear shorts, wear your bathing suit. (I am kidding Brian Appleby). Come as you are, be...
Look to the Heavens With Wonder
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...“The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims God’s handiwork. Day by day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.” Psalm 19“When I look to the heavens, the work of your fingers, the...
On Kindness
TODAY'S WORD by Susan Shira with an introduction by Pastor Jim... Most of us are not in a position to change the course of history, affect international policy or travel to far off lands to work with the poorest of the poor. We are simply trying to...
A Word from Pastor Tom... It’s a noun. Not a verb, as in “I am visiting with my family.” In the life of Christianity, it is the name we give to the story of a Mary, pregnant with Jesus, who came visiting Elizabeth who was pregnant with John, who grew to be known as...
Where Did 40 Years Go?
A Word from Pastor Jim... 40 years ago today, I was at a rehearsal dinner for a wedding that would take place on July 10th. Now, I have officiated at hundreds of weddings; in fact, I have one this afternoon at Bush Point. In the last decade I have had the privilege of...
A Week at Camp
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... This past Friday evening I returned home exhausted, sore, and thoroughly delighted after spending a week at camp with a group of middle school students. The last time we were at camp was in 2019; it was so very good to be back! On...
Snails Welcome
A Word from Pastor Jim....He was there to greet me when I unlocked the doors on a Tuesday morning. A single snail climbing up the glass, probably unsure of his destination, somewhat weary from the long journey that brought him to TLC.Had he lost his...
SUNDAY, JULY 3 WORSHIP We invite you to join us for worship both in-person and online at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. this Sunday. Our nursery will be open for infants, toddlers and preschoolers during the 10:00 service. Masks are optional on the TLC campus. You...
Super Heroes at Play!
A Word from Deacon Amy Although preschool ended three weeks ago, the sounds of children laughing and playing have filled our hallways and playgrounds once again. Our amazing teachers and their fantastic teen helpers have put on two exciting day camp programs for our...
Today's Word from Laura Canby....We all need a sanctuary when our emotional/physical/spiritual reserves run low in the face of loss, voluminous to-do lists, turbulent societal times, disappointment, and the general wear-and-tear of life.Sometimes all we...
Father’s Day
A Word from Pastor Jim... My grandfather was a sharecropper; working a farm that belonged to someone else. My father was a child of the great depression. By age 10 he was working in the farm fields. He was a water boy, delivering buckets of fresh water to those who...
Thank You, Council Members
This past Sunday, June 12, we held our mid-year congregational meeting where we received written reports from staff members along with an overview of our current financial position. Printed reports are available in the church office. At this meeting, the Council...
Pastor Jim’s Mid-Year Report
How does one measure the health and vitality of a community of faith in pandemic days? There are many metrics that we can use to measure congregational health and vitality. Baptisms In the past three months our congregation has celebrated the baptisms of 5 children...
2022 Graduates
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.” They don’t stay little very long; we give thanks for the changing seasons and the seasons we share. On Wednesday night, we honored the 2022 Graduates of...
Celebrating Linda Nevermann
Today’s Word from your TLC Staff This Sunday we will be honoring Linda Nevermann for her 24 years of service to Trinity Lutheran Church. The Bell Choir will be playing for one last time under her direction. We would encourage you to bring a card or greeting for Linda...
No Day
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Felicia and I visited the beaches of Normandy last October. The Sunday before leaving Whidbey Island we had talked with Web Halvorsen who, 77 years earlier, had stormed Utah Beach as a part of the greatest invasionary force...
IN, Not OF This World
Today’s Word from Sheila Weidendorf... As many of you know, I live betwixt two worlds—between my very beautiful life here on Whidbey Island and my very beautiful life in Rajasthan, India. The scales are currently in Whidbey’s favor in terms of time—most of my time is...
We Are There!
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Your support for TLC puts you on the frontline locally, nationally, and internationally. You are there on Whidbey Island supporting our neighbors who are hungry, cold, homeless, grieving, or in need of counseling. TLC supports most...
Priesthood of All Believers
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...Martin Luther taught that we are baptized into the priesthood. We are followers of Jesus not just on Sunday morning, but Monday through Saturday as well. We carry the name of Jesus; we are Christians. Your daily work is no...
Daily Life, Daily Faith
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...One of the cornerstone, earth shaking, teachings of Martin Luther is that of the Priesthood of all believers.What is a priest? A priest is one who is ordained to do God’s work. A priest takes vows; a priest wakes up each day...
It’s Too Tall!
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... When he died, I grieved. He was my favorite author. The genius of Pat Conroy as a storyteller was evident from the very beginning. One of his first books, “The Water is Wide,” was made into a movie, “Conrack,” starring John Voight. His...
High Anxiety
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... I attended a conference this past week with ELCA pastors from across the country. Our national ELCA Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton, was in attendance. Our Lutheran Disaster Relief partners were present and happy to see us. Trinity Lutheran...