Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

This Sunday at TLC we will be celebrating as three adults in our parish are baptized. They will join the five children who have or will be baptized in a summer of baptisms.

One of our partners in ministry is Lutheran World Relief. The Rev. Lisa Kipp will be with us this Sunday at both services. She will bring a greeting and thank our congregation for its generous support of relief efforts across the globe. Rev. Kipp will hold a special forum in the sanctuary from 9:10- 9:30 this Sunday. So, if you worship at 8 am get your coffee and come back to hear about the work of Lutheran World Relief. If you are planning on worshipping at 10 am that morning, come early and take advantage of this unique opportunity. We could not have a global reach without our global relief partners.

Affirming God’s love for all people, Lutheran World Relief works with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, and human suffering. Founded by Lutherans in the United States at the end of World War II, LWR tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. They provide aid in emergencies and help families restore their lives, including current response efforts in Türkiye and Ukraine. They partner with local leaders to grow rural economies and build healthy communities, breaking the cycle of poverty so our neighbors all around the world can thrive. Thanks to your love and generosity, Lutheran World Relief is at work in 33 different countries.

Rev. Lisa Kipp serves as the Director of Congregational Engagement at Lutheran World Relief. In her role, she connects congregations across the United States with LWR’s work of bringing lifesaving aid and long-term hope to our most vulnerable neighbors around the world. As part of this work, she also oversees Lutheran World Relief’s quilt and kit ministry, a program that has been a part of the fabric of thousands of Lutheran congregations for over 75 years. Prior to this role, Rev. Kipp served an ELCA congregation in Rochester, MN, for nearly twenty years. She continues to live in Rochester with her husband and three sons.

I look forward to seeing you in Church this Sunday!

Pastor Jim

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