Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

I know that it is still July, and we have many long days of summer left but soon it will be back to school time, football season and time to resume our Fall schedule. After much prayerful deliberation, we have decided to return to our pre-pandemic Sunday morning schedule.

8:00 Morning Worship
9:00 Festive Coffee Hour
9:30 Morning Worship
9:30 Sunday Forum in the Fireside Room featuring a variety of interesting topics. Join the Forum for Biblical studies, theological conversations and a look at the intersection of our faith with contemporary 21st century life.
9:30 Sunday School for children Preschool to Fifth grade.
10:00 Festive Coffee Hour
11:00 Late Morning Worship
12:00 Festive Coffee Hour

Sundays Mornings at TLC will be a high energy four hours with opportunities for all to deepen their faith, grow together as a community and sing our praises to our God.

This is a major commitment of time and energy for your Church Staff. We are dedicated to serving you and we believe that we can best serve the community by offering a more flexible schedule.

With the additional service there will be a need for more volunteers to assist us in providing extravagant TLC hospitality. We will need more ushers, greeters, coffee servers, and readers. This is an exciting and wonderful time to be the church together. This fall you can join our staff in committing your time and energy to the ministry that we share.

The Fall Schedule of 3 Sunday services will begin on September 17th. On Sunday September 10th, there will be services at 8 and 10 am, and a Rally Day Sunday School Kick Off at 10 am.

104732Then the young and old will gather to enjoy an afternoon with our TLC family and friends at the M Bar C Ranch in Freeland for an all-church picnic. TLC will provide drinks, ice cream, burgers and hot dogs and you are invited to bring a salad or side to share. There will be games, horse rides and music. Plan to arrive between 12:30 and 1 pm, lunch will be served at 1 pm.

The best is yet to come!

Invite your friends and neighbors to experience a church where everybody’s welcome.

Pastor Jim

[email protected]