Pastor Jim’s Blog
Little Epiphanies
Today’s Word from Laura Canby... At first, I thought he misspoke. It was a couple weeks ago and Pastor Jim was giving the Transfiguration Sunday sermon for later online posting. He read the verse in Corinthians 13:12 where Paul writes: For now we see in a...
Heavy Burdens
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:18 A friend shared an incredible story about a sheep this week. It seems that this sheep had been wandering the wilderness in...
Grace is Hard
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... I grew up in Rainier Valley, Seattle. I believe at the time of my Franklin High School graduation our student population was approaching 50% non-white. So while I grew up in a pretty integrated world, my father had an entirely...
Humble and Kind
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... One of the great joys of serving alongside the people of God at Trinity Lutheran Church is the privilege of hearing your stories, struggles, joys and sorrows. We rejoice with families as they welcome children or grandchildren into the...
You Can Do This Hard Thing
Today’s Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen... All God’s critters got a place in the choir. Bill Staines Can you be inspired by a goat? Or by its story? Well, I guess that depends on the goat. And the story, and, in this case, the storyteller. Who loves goats....
Doing the Hard Things
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 I love that I have friends who call me up and ask me to come...
What Will You Give Up for Lent?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Ash Wednesday was observed on February 17, with the imposition of ashes and the ancient declaration, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” For the first time in the history of Trinity Lutheran Church the ashes that mark...
Focus on the Beauty
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... At this time last week, we were watching snow fall. In my weekly message, I remembered the joy and excitement that I felt as a child when waking up to a snow day. The day was full of endless possibilities. As an adult with our little...
Snow Day Project
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... What does any self-respecting retired clergy do on a snow day? Read Bonhoeffer? Watch a PBS production on the life of Paul and Peter? On a day when a very steep driveway combined with six inches of the white stuff makes for a clear...
Who Do You Want to Be?
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim Well, we survived the great snowstorm of 2021! It sure was a big win for families with small children. Everyone put on the boots, hats and gloves. Families went sledding or built a snowman as they enjoyed this rare Northwest treat. It made...
By the Rivers of Babylon
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... This now-famous song was composed in the 1960s by Brent Dowe and Trevor McNaughton and first recorded by their band (which also included Tony Brevett), The Melodians, in 1970. It quickly became a reggae...
God Bless Us in Our Lenten Journey
Today’s Word from Pastor Dennis... We soon begin the season of Lent; Ash Wednesday is February 17. Lent is not the most favorite season in the church year for many people. It’s a poor weather time, and the theme is somber. Many Protestant churches ignore it all...
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... I learned very early on that one could not survive in parish ministry without a thick skin. If one is too sensitive or too easily offended this work will chew them up. We get more than our share of criticism. Most of the criticism is...
Snow Days
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... Can you remember the excitement of a “snow day” when you were in school? If you grew up in Western Washington, it was particularly thrilling! A snow day was a bonus day – no school, no responsibilities, just fun! All of the kids in our...
Stormin’ Norman
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... He died January 13. Uncle Norman’s death was the penultimate death of his generation. Only Auntie Corrine is left. Mom (Bergit) was the oldest, then Signe, followed by Corinne and then baby Darlene. Darlene was married to Norman...
Touching the Future
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim Lindus... It was eight years ago that my friend Terry Otey died at the age of 66. Terry was not a member of TLC; he attended a few funerals here, and sometimes he would stop in during the week to drink a cup of coffee and offer up some...
Come Healing
Today’s Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen... Good Tuesday morning to you! Last Sunday I sang a song during worship called Come Healing. The song is from Leonard Cohen’s album “Old Ideas.” As I was researching the song before recording, I came across a blog by...
My Journey to Trinity
Today’s Word from Trinity member Cameron Castle... I was in the back seat with my best friend, Mase, as his parents drove me home from a sleepover. I think we were about ten. His dad was driving; a jovial man. His mom was in the passenger seat; a very proper lady,...
All Things Work Together
[wh_sermons player="HTML5"] Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 This text has carried me through many a rough time. The words of the Apostle Paul...
No Hour Wasted
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... Winston Churchill once said, “no hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.” I fully agree. I’ve spent more hours of my life than I can count in the saddle, and I don’t feel that a single moment of that time has been wasted....
Burden Bearing
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 A part of my life of faith at TLC involves meeting with men in discernment groups. Once a month we gather (practicing social...
A Word for This Day
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences.” John...
Down in the River to Play
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... As I went down in the river to pray Studying about that good ol' way And who shall wear the starry crown Good Lord, show me the way O sisters (brothers/mothers/fathers/sinners), let's go down Let's go down,...
February is the Longest Month
Today’s Word from Laura Canby... The poet T.S. Eliot penned in his epic poem ‘The Waste Land’ (written after the 1918 flu pandemic) that ‘April is the cruelest month.’ For me, February– ironically, the shortest month – seems interminably long and worthy of holding...
Spreading Taco Shells
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... I was alone at church last Sunday morning, because I am alone most every Sunday morning in these pandemic days. I dress up, wear my clerical collar, make coffee and work in my office. On occasion someone will happen by to visit. On...
Quarantine Ambassador
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... I took a break from work on Monday afternoon to take my daughter’s goat, Kona, on a field trip. Kona got to go visit Ava’s high school classmates at Island Christian Academy. It was a fairly no-frills trip as far as Kona was concerned –...
It’s in Our Head
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd So, what do you do after church (thank you Pastor Eileen) on a cold, windswept, rainy Sunday morning? (In case you have forgotten, the Seahawks have already ignoramusly flamed out!) You listen to Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, all 1:21:22...
No Cure
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “God created them, male and female, God created them.” Genesis 1:27 She is 37 years old; she is doing her best to keep living, living with a cancer that is most certain to kill her. Is a cure possible? “There is no cure,” she says....
When Jesus Came to Jordan
Today’s Word from Trinity's Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... This lovely hymn – another example of old folk tunes making their way into the modern world, whether via symphony or liturgy! – was first published in an American hymnal in 1982. The text was written by Fred...
Covid-19 Relief
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim In 2020, Trinity Lutheran Church ranked number 16 out of some 9,500 ELCA churches when it came to giving to ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Disaster Relief. Thank you for taking seriously the admonition of Jesus to care for the most vulnerable...
Sleepless Nights
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “My soul waits for the Lord, more than those who watch for the morning, more than those who watch for the morning.” Psalm 130:6 In Biblical times people lived in walled villages, military camps that were enclosed with some sort of...
Small Miracles
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... The dictionary describes a miracle as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.” We may have experienced a small miracle at our...
Where is our Truth?
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... The beginning is always the most difficult. Whether it be a sermon, a blog, a pastoral note or a journal entry it is the beginning that most often leaves me struggling. Maybe not so curiously, I typically have an idea where the...
An Old-Fashioned Altar Call
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... My friend Bob Wheeler was raised in Texas; he was a standout baseball player, business owner in Langley, a devoted family man, and a member of TLC. Midway through his brave battle with cancer, shortly before he died, Bobby shared his...
A Shelter in the Time of Storm
Today’s Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen... Sometimes, like now, it’s helpful to be reminded that we have a shelter in God when times are challenging and we’re weary. Here’s a possibility! Jesus Is a Rock in a Weary Land (ELW 333) is listed as an African...
Protestant Roots
Today’s Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen I have protestant roots. Protest. Hmm…maybe you do, too. But first, here’s a bit from the recent Holden Village email newsletter… "In the Christian calendar, January 6 is Epiphany, which means “manifestation” - a thing...
The Struggle
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... We watched the movie Selma last week. It reminded us of the long struggle for civil rights, voting rights, and basic human rights. The blood-stained dream of the Declaration of Independence turned out to be more an illusion than a...
Light in the Darkness
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 Consider this a continuation of my last note to you – I referenced the above verse at the end of my message, and I’ve had this verse swirling around in...
Poetry of Love
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... Picture 15 middle schoolers sitting around the confirmation table with yours truly trying to be inspirational, hoping to quicken their love of Luther and the Small Catechism. But it’s January, it was dark at 4:15 p.m., they’ve been...
Questioning Christianity
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 Is it time to question Christianity? The answer must be a resounding YES! Why? Because it is always time to question the human institution that bears the name of Jesus....
Brightest and Best of the Stars
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... On Winter Solstice 2020, Saturn and Jupiter reached a significant conjunction – the closest they’d been in over 800 years! – to form a recurrence, it is believed, of the Star of Bethlehem. A considerable...
The Weather Lady
Today’s Word from Mark Winslow... Recently, I was out in my old neighborhood of Snohomish. We lived right in town, for most of the 50s and 60s. At that time, it was a sleepy little town. Mostly just a bunch of old houses that are now referred to as “historic.” I took...
We Move On
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Then neither do I condemn you, now go and sin no more.” Jesus One really only has two choices in life; move on or get stuck. Time, months, days, years, the calendar, the stars, the slow decay of our bodies, the mountains working their...
Let Me Sow Love
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... We typically celebrate Saint Francis of Assisi in October, but today I am drawn to the words of a prayer which bears his name: Lord, make me an instrument of your Peace: Where there is hatred, let me sow Love Where there is injury, let...
Face the Music
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... She smiled and said “Jimmy Page.” Being the faithful Ace Hardware employee (Oak Harbor) and recognizing I was probably not the best at directions, she was leading me down the aisle toward my appointed purchase when my phone began...
Today’s Word from Pastor Dennis Hanson... The Church Year and the secular calendar do not always match up. Officially, in the church calendar, Christmas ends on January 5; January 6 is Epiphany Day. Then follow the Sundays in Epiphany which means “make...
The Twelfth Day of Christmas
Today’s Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen... “On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” No! That’s not our song for today, but, Yes! It is the twelfth day of Christmas! So, there’s time for one more little Christmas-themed message. Christmas...
What I Love About Trinity
Today’s Word from New Member Sally Rongren More people than ever are watching TLC’s video services, reading our daily messages, and sharing them with friends and family! And throughout this time of pandemic restrictions, many folks are making the decision to join a...
We Made It!
Today’s Word from Preschool Director Felicia Lindus Forward in Faith When the school year began, we had so many more questions than answers: What would the weather be? Could we stay outside? Would we stay healthy? Would this be fun? Would the program be beneficial for...
Lessons from 2020
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... Welcome to 2021! Have you ever been this excited to hang a new calendar on the wall? While we’re all eager to say good riddance to 2020, I have to admit that the tumultuous year taught me a few things. Here, in no particular order, is a...
What Now?
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... “Thank God this is over!” So said a golf mate in his summation of 2020. The year started with such promise, such symmetry, “20-20.” Like the good news of an eye exam, the year began so easily rolling off the tongue… “Twentyyyy -...
Building a Strong Foundation
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... One of the great stories in the Bible is found in the 41st Chapter of Genesis. Some 1600 years before the birth of Jesus, Egypt was the most powerful nation in the world. Pharaoh was the undisputed leader of Egypt; he was considered to...
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella – AKA Love Has Come
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf It’s a Two-For-One Christmas Special! Today’s Christmastide hymn is derived from a 17th Century Provençal tune that was, in its original form, music for courtly dance. Then poet and composer Nicolas Saboly...
The Gift of the Baby Jesus
Today’s Word from Reverend Dave Bieniek A few months ago, I wrote a missive about one of my favorite statues of Mary. It is called the Mother of the Whole World and features Mary holding a Baby Jesus in outstretched arms, who in turn has his arms outstretched to the...
The Last, the Least, the Lost, and the Forgotten
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... The Christmas story features the last, the least, the lost and the forgotten. Mary would sing the Magnificat; “My soul proclaims your greatness O God, and my spirit rejoices in you, you have looked with love on your servant here, and...
Christmas Eve
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd I have always had a deeper affinity for Lent over Advent which tends to strike most people as curious. After all, Advent is about getting ready for Christmas, it is about gift giving and Christmas trees and beautiful decorations and the...
2020 Sunday School & Confirmation Christmas Reading
Trinity's Sunday School and Confirmation classes present our 2020 virtual Christmas Program, a reading from the Book of Luke.
Lost in the Night – an Hymn for Advent
Today's Word from Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... I once lived in a house set amid wooded hills. Behind the house a path led up one such hill, winding its lovely way through the forest. But at night, the path disappeared from view beneath the veil of darkness. In the...
The Manger Menagerie
Today’s Word from Pastor Dave Bieniek... Anyone who visits our house (or our social media pages) at Christmas realizes that we have a lot of Nativity scenes. Each one has a story of course, which makes each one important. Some of the Nativity scenes we have bought...
A Little Light in Dark Times
We get lots of cards at TLC. This one we wanted to share with a larger audience. Merry Christmas! Today’s Word from Mark Winslow 2020! Wow! 2020 is the number you like to hear if you are visiting an optometrist. “Great news! You can see clearly, both near and far...
God as Guardian
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... I went back to college in 2013 – I was one of the oldest students in most of my classes. One of our first projects was to create a visual display featuring images of God. I was pretty proud of my trifold photo collage. I hauled it into...
Faithful Posture
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... What do you think is the coolest invention of the past 40 years? Okay, okay, the vaccine for Coronavirus 19 wins, but what gets your vote for the next coolest invention after that? What would be the next neatest invention? C’mon,...
One Gift
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... There is one gift this Christmas that only you can give. You will not find it on Amazon or at Costco. It is too precious to rest underneath a Christmas tree. It is timeless and critical to human life and human relationships. There is...
Images of Jesus
Today's Word from Karl Olsen... On my mind today is really a song, rather than the hymns Sheila and I have been exploring in recent months. On my mind as we prepare to welcome, again, the birth of Jesus, is the different ways we see Jesus, and how that is informed by...
The Festival of Lights
Today’s Word from Pastor Dave Bieniek... This year, the Jewish feast of Hanukkah began at sundown on Thursday, December 10th. It is a moveable feast that happens somewhere between late November and late December each year beginning on the Jewish calendar day of the...
The Merriest Christmas
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Let’s make it the Merriest Christmas that we can this year! I think that it is safe to say that this will not be a traditional Christmas, but it will still be Christmas. Through the centuries the birth of Jesus has been celebrated in...
Pandemic Blues
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... This time of year, when daylight hours are short and darkness creeps in early, can feel depressing and gloomy. Many people struggle with the holidays, deeply feeling the loss of loved ones. Our ongoing pandemic quarantine has only added...
Christmas Evokes Memories
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... This time of the year evokes memories. Many are from my own childhood. Most of them are positive, thankfully. My childhood memories of Christmas are probably pretty American typical, i.e. decorated tree, presents with pretty...
The Smallest of Presents
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... It was the smallest of presents, but it would potentially have the longest shelf-life. Sweaters and ties come and go, iPhone 5 is replaced by iPhone 6, the toys break or lose favor, but the ornaments come out...
Savior of the Nations, Come
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf Martin Luther (1483-1546), as well we know! — was a German theologian and Augustinian monk — ordained to the Catholic priesthood in 1507. He is known well for his reforming work that ultimately sparked the...
Swiss Cheese & Cafeteria Methods on the Path of the Gospel
Today’s Word from Reverend David Bieniek... When I was working on my masters in Youth Ministry many years ago, we were taught the importance of offering a “cafeteria method of youth ministry” where youth of a parish could pick various places to connect with the church...
Thanksgiving and Christmas – Two Random Thoughts
Today’s Word from Pastor Dennis Hanson... Random Thought One: THANKSGIVING When the church celebrates the secular, national holiday of Thanksgiving, the text used is often of the ten lepers who beg Jesus to be healed. Leprosy was a serious disease. If our pandemic...
Advent Lament
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... Advent is one of my favorite seasons! It is a season filled with hopeful anticipation. We spend our time waiting, and preparing for the Christmas celebration. We put up lights, decorate trees, shop for the perfect gifts for our loved...
Satan and the Effect of Our Sin
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... “If Satan cannot bind you by your sin, he will bind you by the effect of your sin.” Never were truer words spoken. It was early in my ministry that these words became real. Though I cannot recall the exact work from whence they...
Facing Adversity Together
Today's Word from Pastor Jim... I have been reading a little about adversity. Let’s start with the definition: Adversity is a state of hardship, difficulty, or misfortune that one deals with in life. There are two things to be noted in this definition. The first is...
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.” Isaiah 11:1 “The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the...
Darkness and Light
Today’s Word from Reverend Dave Bieniek... This is by far the most difficult time of the year for me to live in the Pacific Northwest. These days many of us go to work when it is barely light outside and come home in the dark. It only lasts for a few months, and I...
Everything is More Difficult in a Pandemic
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.” Have you noticed that everything is more difficult in a pandemic? Let me put it another...
I Made a Cherry Pie Today
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... I made a cherry pie today, and told my daughters that my grandma would be rolling in her grave. Grandma Lois never would have used a store-bought crust or canned cherries. The joke in our family is that Grandma would have started by...
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... “It is not happy people who are grateful, it is grateful people who are happy.” I think on this thought a lot. I once read of a seminary professor who was blessed with a rather stunning conversation with his father. His father...
Down the Hall at Preschool
Today’s Word from Preschool Director Felicia Lindus We are Thankful We have much to be thankful for as we end our fall session at preschool. We are thankful for new friends, new spaces, and new things to learn. We are especially thankful for rain suits to keep...
We Gather Together
Today’s Word from Karl Olsen... We Gather Together Hymn by Adrianus Valerius – 1597 Wilt heden nu treden “Nothing is more widely loved,” The New York Times remarked in 1956, “than the tradition of singing We Gather Together to begin Thanksgiving festivities.” Although...
Thanksgiving The Year
Today’s Word from Rev. Dave Bieniek... In past years, maybe even last year, we probably all have gathered with large groups of friends and families. Last year we had 18 around our tables! I wondered how long we would be able to continue to grow this event. How big...
Wednesday is the New Sunday
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... Wednesday is the new Sunday. It is the new normal. The Sunday services are recorded on Wednesday morning. In the days prior, sermons are written and songs are rehearsed, flowers appear. Laura Canby walked into my office on Thursday...
Church Together
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... I just wrapped up three days of online meetings with pastors, deacons and bishops from Region 1 of the ELCA which includes Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. There were 50 people present in these Zoom calls – that’s a lot...
A God Hole
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... “Three times O Lord have I called out to you, three times! How long will you keep me waiting?” Sounds kind of Biblical, don’t you think? And maybe a bit melodramatic. As far as I know it is not from the Bible, rather it is a line...
Welcoming the Kindness of Strangers
Today’s Word from Kelsi Lindus... The power was out on Whidbey and, on the west side of the island, it was difficult to say why. Where I sat, the trees were unmoving beyond the window. Unable to finish our work, my mom and I decided instead to run an errand, and drove...
Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... This tender and much beloved hymn was composed – both tune and text – by Will Lamartine Thompson, (1847-1909). Thompson had composed many pieces for the commercial market but didn’t find a publisher to accept...
An Open Heart is a Lotus Blossom
Today’s Word from Rev. David Bieniek... As I wondered what to write this week, I came across this blog post from several years ago. It seemed the wisdom was still true today, so I offer it anew. Returning from a chaplains’ conference, I sat on the plane next to two...
Make the Most of the Dash
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim “A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun goes down, and hurries to the place where it rises. The wind blows to the south, and goes around to the north, round and round goes the...
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy Back in March, Laura Canby asked for people to submit photos of themselves with caring, inspiring, or hope-filled messages. My daughter, Ava, created a beautiful poster with the word “breathe” featured in a peaceful landscape. This poster...
I See Youuuuuuu!
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... Vivian is two and a half. I love her. My granddaughter, she lives in Idaho, up in the mountains. I love her. Oh, you know that? Yes, I suppose I have mentioned her a time or two in these blogs. Is that a problem? Good. Anyway, she...
Why We Celebrate Veterans’ Day
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jesus (John 15:13) The greatest gift that we have in this world is life. Life comes to us as a gift; we have no part in our creation. We are not consulted on...
Nearer, My God to Thee
Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... 1 Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! E'en though it be a cross that raiseth me, still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee; nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! 2 Though like the wanderer,...
A Dog’s Love
Today’s Word from Reverend Dave... I’m a dog person. I always have been. I don’t have anything against cats. I don’t hate them or their humans. In fact, I have loved some really great cats in my life. But I am at heart a dog person. So cat people, please do not take...
A Legacy of Faithfulness
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim Jerry Valade died suddenly last Monday. Jerry and his parents, Laurier and Mabel, were immigrants coming to the land of opportunity on October 10, 1942. They crossed the U.S. border at Sweet Grass, Montana, and made their way to San Diego...
Do Not Worry
Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... Everywhere I turn lately, I see and hear a lot of anxiety – people are worried about the ongoing pandemic and quarantine, people are concerned about the election and the lengthy counting process, and people are nervous over riots and...
When Doubt is a Gift
Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... I am a visual and kinesthetic learner. That is, I learn by seeing and doing. Reading is not my primary learning modality. Actually, reading is the primary learning modality for only about 10% of the population. Don’t get me wrong,...
Some Post-Election Guidance
Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... We have now checked off the 8th month of this Covid-19 pandemic. October is in the books and in just two short months we can kiss 2020 goodbye. Sadly, that will not cure all of our ills; the pandemic will not magically disappear, but...
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
Today’s Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen... Philip Paul Bliss, raised by his parents in a log cabin, but without much schooling except for his father’s music and mother’s lessons, left his Ashtabula, Ohio home in the 1830s at the age of 11, and worked on farms...