Today’s Word from Pastor Jim

In 2020, Trinity Lutheran Church ranked number 16 out of some 9,500 ELCA churches when it came to giving to ELCA World Hunger and ELCA Disaster Relief. Thank you for taking seriously the admonition of Jesus to care for the most vulnerable in our community and in our world.

The government Covid-19 Stimulus plans have been put in place to bolster our economy and to care for those most affected by the pandemic. Caring for those on the margins of society is a central piece of our Christian calling.

I received an email this past week. One of our TLC members had decided that he would send his Covid-19 government check to TLC. He said that he lived on a fixed income, an income that was not affected by the pandemic. In fact, the only thing that went down was his spending; no trips, no gas, no eating out, no theater, and no ferry fares. And now he was receiving yet another stimulus check.

He sent his check, but first he cashed the check, and took the equivalent draw from his IRA tax free. I have decided to give my check back to TLC as well. I would invite you to join us. Here is what we are going to do: every dollar of every check that comes in will be used to support local benevolences, social service agencies, and hunger related causes. That’s right, 100% of your stimulus check will be put to use immediately to alleviate the suffering of God’s children far and near.

God loves a cheerful giver!

Blessed to be a Blessing!

Pastor Jim

Make sure to write Covid-19 in your check memo.

Or Click HERE to donate through our website.