Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

I was alone at church last Sunday morning, because I am alone most every Sunday morning in these pandemic days. I dress up, wear my clerical collar, make coffee and work in my office. On occasion someone will happen by to visit. On January 24th I had a visitor who had never been to our church before. He kept hanging out at the front door by the water feature, looking in the window, looking for Jesus maybe, or some food. It was clear that he did not totally trust me or maybe religious people in general, for every time I came to the door he would scurry away. But five minutes later he would return to stand by the pond or gaze in the door.

Mine is the church where everybody’s welcome. I decided to find him something to eat. That was not as easy as you might think in a church known for impressive Sunday morning coffee hours. A pantry search uncovered an old box of taco shells. It was all I had, so I walked gingerly to the door, opened it slightly and tossed out a taco shell. It was too much for him and he was gone. I returned to my office but my mind was consumed with the lonely child of God who had wandered to TLC in search of something.
After a few minutes I tiptoed through the offices and there he was, dressed in his Sunday best, bent over and eating the now broken taco shell off the pavement. I am not sure if I made any difference in his day, but I know that his presence was a gift to me.

People come to our doors seeking community, healing, words or hope, comfort, peace and a new beginning in life. Often the church has featured locked doors, secret rites, judgmental members and a welcome that was less than welcoming. Not every child of God looks like us, thinks like us, dresses like us or loves like us. But every creature, every person, every street bum and bank president, every woman, man and child are precious to God and should be precious to us.

May hospitality and welcome be the marks of our shared life. May we get over ourselves and our self-righteous attitudes and learn to love. Let’s spread taco shells out for every hungry creature and may God use us to bring healing to a hurting world.

One day closer,
Pastor Jim

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