Today’s Word from Preschool Director Felicia Lindus

We are Thankful
We have much to be thankful for as we end our fall session at preschool. We are thankful for new friends, new spaces, and new things to learn. We are especially thankful for rain suits to keep preschoolers dry, fingerless gloves to keep hands warm while working, and hand warmers in teachers’ pockets. Most importantly, we are thankful we had no cases of COVID-19 at Trinity Preschool.

We are Learning
We spent this fall learning about life in our new outdoor classroom: children spent time using their senses to touch, smell, look, and listen to life in the Meadow. We even got to do some tasting at the Meadow apple tree.

Using our Senses in the Meadow

Leaf fun in the meadow

Creature Observation

Cider pressing with apples from our tree

Pumpkins and Halloween
Halloween is a great time to practice our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills. Children had the opportunity to practice talking and listening to each other while telling about their Halloween costumes. We practiced good manners and patience as we trick or treated through the Meadow.

It is hard work practicing staying in line and taking turns when we are excited!

Pumpkins are great for sensory exploration, seed math, plant science, and tasting

Chapel with Pastor Jim
Pastor Jim taught the children how God created everything, and showed them the mural in the sun walk hall. The children loved learning what each circle represents.

On the 5th day God created the birds in the sky and the creatures in the sea.

Experiencing the Weather
Studying the weather is always fun at preschool. This year we have really been experiencing all kinds of weather. We have been blessed with beautiful fall days, we have been challenged as we adapted to crafting and doing school work in the wind, and we have splashed, speeded down slides, and tasted in the rain.

Some friends enjoy the rain all bundled up and some enjoy the feel of the rain on their face.

Puddles are for splashing!

And So, We Are Thankful!!
Our fall session wrapped up with lessons on thankfulness and gratitude. We are so grateful for a fall full of new friends, healthy families, and days filled with fun. All of this is possible because we are blessed with loving and creative teachers, supportive families, and the ongoing generosity of our Trinity church family.

It isn’t quite a traditional Thanksgiving, but we love popcorn and hot chocolate to celebrate our thankfulness.

We wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving and a time of rest. Our preschoolers will be back in our midst in December to practice patience as we await the arrival of the Christ Child. We are excited for our next adventure together.

To infinity, and beyond…

Let the little children come to me…. Matthew 19:14
Felicia Lindus
Trinity Preschool