Pastor Jim’s Blog

Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy

Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy

Today’s Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen... Philip Paul Bliss, raised by his parents in a log cabin, but without much schooling except for his father’s music and mother’s lessons, left his Ashtabula, Ohio home in the 1830s at the age of 11, and worked on farms...

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For All the Saints

For All the Saints

Today’s Word from Reverend David Bieniek... Yesterday in the church year we celebrated All Saints Day. This is a time in the church year when we pause to remember those who have died in our families and our church communities, and to give thanks for the gifts they...

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Age Appropriate

Age Appropriate

Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.” Mid-October, time for my annual physical, the yearly trip across the water to the Everett Clinic to visit my medical doctor. My goal each year is to have the...

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Confirmation Sunday

Confirmation Sunday

Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... My oldest daughter, Ava, was confirmed along with nine of her classmates last Sunday. Actually, she was confirmed with three of her classmates. Three others had been confirmed earlier that morning, and three more a couple of weeks...

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The Underside of the Chair

The Underside of the Chair

Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd...   Originally published in 1955, “Profiles in Courage,” written by John Kennedy, chronicles the stories of 8 United States Senators whose acts of bravery and integrity mirrored the best of American democracy. Given our current...

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A Message from Your Church Council

A Message from Your Church Council

Dear TLC Friends, 1 Corinthians 13:13 has a message for us: “Right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” For us, right now, love is an empty church. This is not easy for any of us to accept. We are reminded that Jesus did...

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Nearer, My God to Thee

Nearer, My God to Thee

Today’s Word from Trinity Keyboardist, Sheila Weidendorf 1 Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! E'en though it be a cross that raiseth me, still all my song shall be, nearer, my God, to thee; nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! 2 Though like the wanderer, the...

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Mindfulness in a Cup of Coffee

Mindfulness in a Cup of Coffee

Today’s Word from Reverend Dave... Often in the morning, I will go in and pour a cup of coffee with cream and sweetener and take my first gulp before my eyes are even wide enough to see the sun outside, much less be mindful of what I am doing. But generally, as that...

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Love is Patient, Love is Kind, Love Wins in the End

Love is Patient, Love is Kind, Love Wins in the End

Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... I have been at this a long time. I have witnessed dark seasons of war, recession, and terrorism. I have stood at graveside nearly a thousand times, saying goodbye to strangers, family members, church friends and best friends. There have...

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It’s an Adventure!

It’s an Adventure!

Today’s Word from Deacon Amy... When I was growing up, any time I was worried or nervous about a new experience, my dad would tell me to think of it as an adventure. When I was nervous about going to camp in 5th grade – he turned it into an adventure. When I got my...

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Are We Winning Yet?

Are We Winning Yet?

Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... I giggle every time I remember the moment. My friend Bob and his wife Mary (not their real names) were cruising down the highway. “Cruising” is a kind word for they were, to the consternation of Mary, traveling at a typical speed...

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We Can’t Go Back!

We Can’t Go Back!

Today’s Word from Pastor Jim... 31 years ago, today, I sat in my office at TLC and cried. It was an exciting and deeply emotional time for me and my family. We had spent four wonderful and formative years on Bainbridge Island while serving Bethany Lutheran Church. Our...

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This Is My Song

This Is My Song

Today's Word by Sheila Weidendorf, TLC Organist...This Is My SongTune:  FinlandiaComposer:  Jean SibeliusText:    Lloyd Stone, 1934Jean Christian Sibelius (186-1957) is often heralded as Finland’s greatest composer. Writing at the end of the 19th and into...

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Living One Day at a Time

Living One Day at a Time

Today’s Word from Reverend Dave Bieniek...Recently I was talking to my mother-in-law about our upcoming travels. She asked if we thought we would be able to travel next year. My response was simple, “Who knows? We just have to take it one day at a time.”...

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From a Distance

From a Distance

Today’s Word from Pastor Jim...“The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims God’s handiwork.” ...We took our grandson, Cam, for a walk at bedtime last night. The clouds of October were taking leave in some other part of the...

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Down the Preschool Hall – and Out the Door!

Down the Preschool Hall – and Out the Door!

Today’s Word from Felicia Lindus... We weather the weather! We jumped right in to all of our weather adventures in the first week of preschool. The wind howled and the rain poured. The tent by the meadow went up, then down, and was put back up again. We found out that...

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God’s Humility

God’s Humility

Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd...“The proud cannot know God because God is not proud, but infinitely humble. Remember, only like can know like! A combination of humility and patient seeking is the best spiritual practice of all.”     “The Universal...

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Masked People Helping Others

Masked People Helping Others

Today’s Word from Pastor Dennis Hanson... That pesky mask these days – wear it or not; violation of freedom or expression of caring for others. That mask, the sign of our times. As a kid I listened faithfully to the radio program called “The Lone Ranger,” the masked...

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The Hymnody of Trinity

The Hymnody of Trinity

Today’s Word from Karl Olsen, Minister of Music... Sheila and I have been writing about hymns and hymnody lately in these missives, and I thought it might serve us well to look at what that study is…so here is a definition of hymnody: From Merriam-Webster-- 1: hymn...

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“To the Trees!”

“To the Trees!”

Today's Word from Reverend Dave Bieniek... During the pandemic, we have gotten used to doing two things, both really well. Those things are going on hikes on the trails on Whidbey, and binge-watching TV shows that we have been wanting to see (and others we had no idea...

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The Best Advice for Daily Living

The Best Advice for Daily Living

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... The Best Advice for Daily Living Daily Word from Pastor Jim Last Sunday our sermon set its sights on the best advice of the Apostle Paul. Advice for daily living, advice for surviving the beautiful but difficult journey that we share as...

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Living in Love

Living in Love

Today's Word from Deacon Amy... “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39...

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Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... What’s God’s name? Larry? Freda Mae? Mohammed? Jesus? Most of us would just probably defer to “God,” yet God is not a name. So, what is God’s name? Probably not a question you ever thought of. As Christians we confess God was...

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How Much Does a Glass of Water Weigh?

How Much Does a Glass of Water Weigh?

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... Can you tell me how much a glass of water weighs? Go ahead and fill a glass half full or empty, depending on your outlook on life. Now hold it up high and see how much it weighs. Even our oldest and weakest readers will be able to hold...

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Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters

Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters

Today's Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... The baptismal hymn, Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters*, comes to the modern hymnody from 18th century New England. William Billings—America’s first and foremost choral composer—published a new collection of...

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The View from my Window

The View from my Window

Today's Word from Rev. David Bieniek... One of the Facebook pages I like to follow is one where people post random pictures of views from their window. I have resisted putting any pictures up myself, but I do enjoy seeing what people see from their windows. Outside of...

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Beauty as a Shield

Beauty as a Shield

Today's Word from Laura Canby...“Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything...

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Surprising Visitors

Surprising Visitors

Today's Word from Deacon Amy... In the past two weeks, I’ve come across two very surprising insects on our cozy little island. One that I’ve never even heard of, and one that I’ve never seen outside of a zoo or pet store. The first caught my family by surprise, hiding...

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Is it Personal or is it a Task?

Is it Personal or is it a Task?

Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... Okay, I admit it, I was/am an RBG fan. I know, it’s kind of ridiculous… a guy at my age, hanging on her every word, her very precise diction, her exquisite use of language. Her ability to use one word instead of three with such...

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Consult a Higher Power

Consult a Higher Power

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... We get lots of phone calls at TLC. This week we had someone call who wanted Robin to trim the limbs off some trees at their house. It seems that she was told that we do this sort of work for people, for free. Well, if we were going to...

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A Balm in Gilead

A Balm in Gilead

Today's Word from Trinity Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” (Jeremiah 8:22) In the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, the people of Israel are in...

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I Wish You Wonder

I Wish You Wonder

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Think and wonder, wonder and think.” Dr. Seuss “I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.” Gary Spence “Youth is the most wonderful thing in this world—and what a pity that is has to be wasted on children!”...

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We Are Better Than This

We Are Better Than This

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... Scanning the horizon of current events, I can’t help but think that we are better than this. We are better than the circus that is being portrayed in the media and played out in Washington DC. We are better than the nightly vitriol of...

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Nobody Ever Changed the World by Staying in Bed

Nobody Ever Changed the World by Staying in Bed

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... Some days it might seem like a good idea to just pull those covers up over your head and stay in bed. The thought could cross your mind, that perhaps calling in sick and checking out might be the sanest response to all of the pandemic,...

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Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... Several years ago, prior to moving to the island after retirement, I was driving through Mukilteo heading for the ferry. It was a weekday morning. I was early for the ferry and not in a hurry. As I was passing through the 20 MPH...

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Today's Word from Pastor Jim... Everyone is wearing masks these days! The truth is, most of us have been wearing masks for a very long time. Masks hide emotions, masks hide facial expressions, masks hide the truth, masks keep us from being found out. Some religious...

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It Is Well With My Soul

It Is Well With My Soul

Today's Word from Minister of Music Karl Olsen... Horatio Spafford was a successful lawyer and Presbyterian lay leader in Chicago, who had invested heavily in real estate on Lake Michigan. A devout Christian, one of his close friends was the evangelist Dwight Moody,...

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Patience in a Time of Pandemic

Patience in a Time of Pandemic

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Romans 12:12 Do you remember the days of taking photographs with a camera? The photographer had to pace their production, each photo cost money, and film was a limited...

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Dang 2020

Dang 2020

Today's Word from Deacon Amy... Sometimes it feels that 2020 is just too much. A pandemic, quarantine, schools & businesses closed, weddings & celebrations postponed, funerals delayed, vacations cancelled… it’s all been too much. Then we throw in hurricanes,...

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Staying Away from the DIS

Staying Away from the DIS

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... I am writing you this morning to encourage you to stay away from the DIS. It has been a long season of DISruption, DIScomfort, and many of us have been DISplaced or generally DIScombobulated. As we move from the warm, smoky days of...

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Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... After ten years in parish ministry I was inspired to take a study leave and pursue a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. When I say I was inspired I mean I left a growing parish ministry in Canada to again become a student...

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Fist Shaking at the Heavens

Fist Shaking at the Heavens

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where is my help to come.” Psalm 121 I just returned to the office after a very touching and emotional graveside service at a smoke-filled Bayview Cemetery. The theme of my meditation was supposed...

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Motherless Child

Motherless Child

Today's Word from TLC Keyboardist Sheila Weidendorf... Sometime I feel like a motherless child Sometimes I feel like a motherless child And sometimes I feel like a motherless child A long ways from home A long ways from home Sometimes I feel like I'm almost gone...

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A Dwelling Place

A Dwelling Place

A Dwelling Place... Today's Missive by Laura Canby...     Hard to believe that it was nearly 10 years ago since I traveled with a group of TLC pilgrims to the Holy Land. It was a trip that would enhance, illuminate and deepen my understanding of the Bible. Places were...

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Two Bowls, One Quilt, One Baptism, Four Generations

Two Bowls, One Quilt, One Baptism, Four Generations

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... On a beautiful Sunday morning in September, Blakely JoAnn Shelton, ten months old, was baptized in the courtyard at Trinity Lutheran Church. It was 8 a.m. on a Sunday, the sixth day of September. In times gone by the sanctuary would...

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Reflections from Pastor Eric Ottum

Reflections from Pastor Eric Ottum

Today's Word from Pastor Eric... I was pondering the parable of the Good Samaritan this morning, and I remember a presentation in my first year of work as a pastor made by a leader of the Salvation Army. It was eye-opening to me because he focused on the man in the...

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Bone-Weary Tired

Bone-Weary Tired

Today’s Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... Sometimes going to bed can qualify as grief work. I was bone-weary tired. It had taken the better part of a month but I was done… 67 steps, 3 landings with appointed benches, railings and post supports, stair jacks… all stained...

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What’s Happening at Trinity – September 2020

What’s Happening at Trinity – September 2020

Worship at TLC! It has been more than six months now since we began our online worship due to COVID-19. We have more people than ever before taking part in our worship services. It has been a joy to see our great Tech Team excel during this time. Thanks to Dream Team,...

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“I’ll Fly Away”

“I’ll Fly Away”

Today's Word from Organist, Sheila Weidendorf... “Some bright morning, when this life is over I’ll fly away, To that home on God’s celestial shore, I’ll fly away.” I grew up in rural Minnesota, where summers are terribly hot and humid and winters are only for the...

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Rally Day September 13th

Rally Day September 13th

A Note from Pastor Jim... Rally Day September 13th 2020 – Hee Haw! Get out your western gear! Please read carefully the following directions for our Rally Day Worship. We are making plans to welcome you joyfully and safely at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Online worship...

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Today's Word from Laura Canby... To everything there is a season, and unto every purpose unto heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 I watched as an industrious gray squirrel climbed the heights of a very tall Douglas Fir yesterday. He darted from branch to swaying branch,...

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Whose Voice?

Whose Voice?

Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd... Matthew chapters 5-7 are known as the Sermon on the Mount. Nothing but red letters. That is, the only voice we hear is that of Jesus. Nothing but red letters, the most concentrated setting of teachings by Jesus in all of the...

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A Season of Anxiety

A Season of Anxiety

A Season of Anxiety Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “And can any of you by worrying add even a single hour to your life span?” The words of Jesus in Matthew 6. The fall of the year always caused me more than a little anxiety. A new school year, a new school sometimes,...

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“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”

“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”

Today's Word from Minister of Music, Karl Olsen... Michael S, a commenter on YouTube, gave a fleshed-out version of Psalm 90, a Psalm of Moses, about the Israelites wandering in the desert… “You have been our dwelling place A prayer of intercession The old man slowly...

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Pandemic Stress

Pandemic Stress

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. Bear with one another.” Colossians 3:12-13b The note was left for me at the front desk, we had no face to face interaction, not this time. In the past we had...

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We Get Lots of Phone Calls in the Church Office

We Get Lots of Phone Calls in the Church Office

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... We get lots of phone calls in the church office, most of them involve prayer requests for family members or friends. The phone calls are screened by our capable volunteer receptionists at the front desk, and moved on to the appropriate...

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Requiem for a Church in God’s Sacred History

Requiem for a Church in God’s Sacred History

Today’s Word from Pastor Tom... Forgive me if I have shared something of this story with you. The scene is vividly imprinted in my memory. We were standing in the parking lot of Faith Lutheran Church, Powell River, B.C. It was a beautiful coastal summer afternoon. I...

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Sunday School and Youth Update

Sunday School and Youth Update

Today's Word from Deacon Amy...   “Hear, O Israel: The LORD is our God, the LORD alone. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to...

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Music Matters at TLC

Music Matters at TLC

Today's Word from Minister of Music, Karl Olsen...   African American singer and founder of the group Sweet Honey in the Rock, Bernice Johnson Reagon said: “The song is not a product. The song exists as a way to get to the singing. The singing exists to form the...

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From the Preschool Hall

From the Preschool Hall

It’s been quite an interesting summer down the hall as we work to adjust to being primarily outdoors when the school year begins. We are excited about our new “nature trail and classroom,” and the covered areas going up on both playgrounds. Our focus for health and...

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What’s Happening at Trinity – Fall 2020

What’s Happening at Trinity – Fall 2020

Worship at TLC! It has been six months now since we began our online worship due to Covid-19. We have more people than ever before taking part in our worship services. It has been a joy to see our great Tech Team excel in this time. Thanks to Laura Canby, Deacon Amy,...

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“The Peace of Wild Things”

“The Peace of Wild Things”

Today's Word from Rev. Dave Bieniek...   I am fond of Wendell Berry, and how he finds truth, beauty, and spiritual renewal in nature. I listened to him read his own poem, “The Peace of Wild Things,” today and realized that’s it. That is where I find my connection to...

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Remembering Joe Pine

Remembering Joe Pine

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... Joe Pine was born on the 23rd day of May 1930. He came to Trinity Lutheran Church late in his seventh decade of life. Joe was a part of our Sunday morning roundtable group that met at 7 a.m. for the 8 a.m. worship service. Spike,...

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Who is Rescuing Who?

Who is Rescuing Who?

Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd...   We are a dog family. We have two rescue dogs, Gucci 14 and Cleo is 6. It is typical of us to have an older dog and a younger dog. We have found it helpful to have an older citizen mentor a younger one in the ways of dogdom in the...

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Comfort Food

Comfort Food

Today's Word from Rev. David Bieniek... Breakfast was biscuits and gravy! Now the biscuits were simply out of the can from the refrigerator section, literally just like Mom used to make. But the biscuits were really only a vehicle for the real treat – the cream gravy!...

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The Virus Came Home

The Virus Came Home

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... It has been six months since we began this pandemic journey together. The grief, loss and loneliness of this season of disruption have been experienced in one degree or another by most everyone. We all have our pandemic stories of...

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Pay Attention to the Details

Pay Attention to the Details

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... I have flunked one class in my educational career, so far. I am convinced that I would have flunked a few more, but teachers tended to be full of grace and probably did not want to see me the next semester. I flunked Art History when I...

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I Want It to Be Today When the Coronavirus Stops!

I Want It to Be Today When the Coronavirus Stops!

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...   “By the rivers of Babylon—there we sat down and there we wept, when we remembered Zion.” Psalm 137:1 My grandson, Camden, is four years old. One eighth of his life has been lived in the midst of pandemic disruption. Quite suddenly...

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It’s a Mystery Why We Follow

It’s a Mystery Why We Follow

Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd...   Understanding is the consequence of believing. The ways of the world teach us the opposite. Consequently, I have learned that if you cannot do ambiguity and paradox, your life of faith is left to two options: fundamentalism or...

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A Rain of Blessings

A Rain of Blessings

Today's Word from Rev. David Bieniek...   Last week’s gentle rains in August remind me that we live in the Pacific Northwest near a rainforest and that at any time during the year the rains might appear. I have always felt that rain is God’s way of cleansing the earth...

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Eat Your Vegetables and Know Your Place

Eat Your Vegetables and Know Your Place

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...   When I was a kid, I did not like vegetables. When I was a teenager, I had so much faith in God, or perhaps so little faith in God, that I felt like I needed to save the world, by myself. When I began my theological studies at Luther...

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Eat Your Vegetables – Part II

Eat Your Vegetables – Part II

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... I took the text out of context, in order to further my personal agenda, convincing my mother that eating Brussels sprouts was not a good idea. It is hard to imagine Christian people taking scripture out of context to further their...

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Eat Your Vegetables

Eat Your Vegetables

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...   When I was a kid, we ate a Midwest diet. Chipped beef on toast was a favorite, white bread, white food, meat with every meal, and some of the nastiest vegetables that you have ever seen. I had lots of battles with my parents. I would...

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Behind the Mask

Behind the Mask

Today's Word from Pastor Jim Written on Thursday, August 6... “God will direct you; you will be able to endure.” Exodus 18:23 I was at Payless last night. For the past 30 years I have made countless visits while shopping there. Right there in the frozen food section,...

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Meteors and Majesty

Meteors and Majesty

Today's Word from Rev. David Bieniek... “Ah, Sovereign God, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too difficult for you.” – Jeremiah 32:17 For years I had tried to catch the Perseid meteor shower. It seemed that...

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Madness Vs Sadness, Part Deux

Madness Vs Sadness, Part Deux

Today's Word from Pastor Tom... I was pot banging cupboard slamming mad. It did not matter what Brenda said to me, I was steamed, and no one was going to deprive me of my “mad on.” The wind had been blowing. It was late; I had forgotten the depth finder, but with my...

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Hold on to Hope

Hold on to Hope

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Where can I go then from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I climb up to heaven, you are there; if I make the grave my bed, you are there also.” Psalm 139:7-8. The isolation of this pandemic has had a profoundly...

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Robin Got a Scooter!

Robin Got a Scooter!

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Who satisfies you with good as long as you live, so that your youth is renewed like the Eagles.” Psalm 103:5 This familiar verse touched me in a new way this morning; perhaps it was because I was watching a video last night featuring...

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The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... From the mailbag, yes that’s right, people still send cards and letters in the mail. This morning, after recycling the junk mail, I opened 18 envelopes. The mail came from TLC members and community members. Most of them included a gift...

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Our Frail Humanity is a Thing of Beauty

Our Frail Humanity is a Thing of Beauty

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...Every day I receive dozens, sometimes hundreds, of emails. More than half of them are junk: scams, mattress sales, or forwarded jokes. Those don't last very long in my mailbox. I read touching messages from you, telling me...

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Madness Versus Sadness

Madness Versus Sadness

Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd...  Maybe you have had those moments when the words of scripture can be pretty disappointing? No? We tend to speak of how the scriptures are uplifting or inspiring or hope-evoking. I mean, that’s what we expect from the...

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A Season in Our Lives

A Season in Our Lives

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...  “Let us not grow weary in doing what is right,for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.”Galatians 6:9Speed was never my forte. Endurance was not my forte either. In fact, I think that I am still looking for my...

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Grief & Ritual

Grief & Ritual

Today’s Word from Rev. David Bieniek...  I have been experiencing a lot of deaths lately. Not all of them have been friends or family members, and some I have only known of through the evening news, but at least 8 people’s deaths have affected me over the...

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Thank You Felicia

Thank You Felicia

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...  It was 34 years ago yesterday that I walked down the aisle at First Lutheran Church in DeKalb, Illinois. Four years earlier, I waited at the end of that same aisle for my beautiful young bride to join me. Hand in hand, we...

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People of Hope

People of Hope

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up, as there is need, so that your words may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29 “A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries...

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Lead Us Not into Temptation

Lead Us Not into Temptation

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...   "Lead us not into temptation." Check that! The Pope changed the Lord's Prayer. It did say, "lead us not into temptation." Now the most revered prayer in Christendom says, "Do not let us fall into temptation." On this one Pope Francis...

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Fire and Brimstone

Fire and Brimstone

Today's Word from Pastor Dennis... “Pastor Hanson, when I come to church will you preach fire and brimstone at me?” She asked with just enough of a hint that “yes” was what she expected to hear, which prompted me to say, “Yes. Of course. Fire and brimstone. You won’t...

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Contemplating Sand and Stars

Contemplating Sand and Stars

Today's Word from Pastor Jim... “Praise him, sun and moon, Praise him, all you shining stars.” Psalm 148:3 Go ahead and read all of Psalm 148. I will wait for you to return. Our family got away for a couple of days, to a beach home at Ocean Shores, loaned to us by a...

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There Is No Other

There Is No Other

Today's Word from Pastor Tom Kidd...   I spent last week as the “manny.” Granddaughter Vivian and her family reside in McCall, Idaho. It is a wonderful community, situated on beautiful Payette Lake, at an elevation of 5,000 feet, in the Idaho wilderness. Vivian (named...

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A Very Different VBS

A Very Different VBS

Today's Word from Deacon Amy... Vacation Bible School is one of my favorite weeks every summer. I love the energy that comes with a building full of kids having fun and learning about Jesus. This year, as with many other things, VBS is very different....

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A Mind-Boggling Disconnect

A Mind-Boggling Disconnect

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...   Yesterday, you invited me into your homes for worship. I am very appreciative; I don’t take this privilege for granted. Thank you! The sermon, in part, focused on the place of KINDNESS in our daily life and as we follow Jesus Christ....

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Changing the Story

Changing the Story

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...   What would it take for you to change your story? Inherent in that question is the assumption that we are not powerless characters in someone else’s play. Inherent in that question is the belief that human stories are not likely to...

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God’s Imagination

God’s Imagination

Today's Word from Rev. David Bieniek...  On a recent morning I went down to our beach to do some work, but mostly just to take a few minutes alone. Our little dog went with me, anxious to explore the beach and see what he could find.We have some oyster...

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Pandemic Musings

Pandemic Musings

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...   This from June 30th, 2020: “An unusually bright star has gone missing, a mystery of cosmic proportions.” I am not sure if you have been paying attention to the evening sky but if you gaze upon the Kinman dwarf galaxy, you...

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God Is Still Working On Us

God Is Still Working On Us

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...  “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you all are one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28I have been watching my share of nature videos on Facebook lately. Most...

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Some Good News

Some Good News

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...  The Christian Church gets a lot of bad press.That is partially because we deserve it, but it is mostly because bad news is what makes the news. Most churches, like most people, just go about their faithful work day after...

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Wedding Plans

Wedding Plans

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...  I met with a young couple this past week to plan their wedding. It is the wedding season, even though a strange one, thanks to that uninvited guest by the name of coronavirus. Planning the wedding itself is quite simple;...

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A Gym Floor Metaphor

A Gym Floor Metaphor

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...We moved into our new gym/fellowship hall and Sunday School wing on September 9th, 2001. It was two days before 9-11 and the sermon title that morning was, “The World will never look the same.” On that grand day of...

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Finding Joy in this Season

Finding Joy in this Season

Today's Word from Deacon Amy...   Some of you know that my family has a small farm outside of Freeland. My daughters have both shown goats in 4H since they were in kindergarten. What started with two goats eight years ago, has turned into a herd of...

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Quintessential 2020

Quintessential 2020

Today's Word from Pastor Jim...  It has been a big year for Skyler Stonebridge. A proud member of the South Whidbey Graduating Class of 2020, Skyler graduated in a Zoom ceremony. On July 5th he celebrated his 18th birthday with a virtual party. And on...

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