Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

I am writing you this morning to encourage you to stay away from the DIS. It has been a long season of DISruption, DIScomfort, and many of us have been DISplaced or generally DIScombobulated. As we move from the warm, smoky days of summer to the beautiful, but darkening, season of fall, I am asking you to do your very best to stay away from the DIS. Do not let the DIS get you!

Do not be Discouraged!
Do not be Disheartened!
Do not be Disenchanted!
Do not be Disbelieving!
Do not be Disillusioned! With God all things are possible.
Do not be Disabled by the rancor around you! Rise above the fray.
Do not let Disagreement and Disharmony get you down!
Do not let Disappointment have the last word!
Do not let your relationships fall into Disrepair.
Do not Disgrace the God of grace, who offers you amazing grace!
Do not Disdain, Dislike, or Dismiss those with different opinions.
Do not Disown, Disinherit or Dispose of people or institutions that are precious to you!
Do not Discriminate against other races, religions or genders.
Do not let political Discord lead you to Distasteful Discourse.
Do not be informed by rumor or Disinformation. Seek truth!
Do not focus on what is missing in your life; that exercise will only lead to Discontentment.
Do not let the news cycle Disturb you with Disproportional threats.
Do not neglect to offer a neighbor in need a Disme.

By now you may be Dismayed that your pastor would spend his time with Disheveled writing like this. You may have a hard time Distilling what I am talking about; that makes two of us. Fair enough, it is time for me to Disembark, so let me just end by encouraging you to use plenty of Disinfectant, Dishrags, Dishpans, and your Dishwasher. Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Do not be afraid and do not be Discouraged!

And don’t be Dissing me!

We are in this together and we are one day closer!
Pastor Jim