Faith Formation and Bible Studies

Faith Formation and Bible Studies

Adult Faith Formation opportunities at Trinity continue through the week!


On Mondays, Hearts Together Ladies Support & Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room at 10 a.m.

This year’s study is on “Women of the Bible: All Their Words & Why They Matter.”


The LIFT (Living in Faith Together) women’s group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 10 a.m. in the Fireside Room.


Our Wednesday Bible Study meets in the Fireside Room at 10 a.m. each week,  with a continuing study of the Book of Acts, led by Arne Bergstrom. All are welcome!


The Trinity Prayer Group meets Thursdays at 10 a.m. in the Sunday School wing.


Deacon Amy leads topical studies throughout the year. Beginning February 6th, this group will meet at 2:00 on Thursday afternoons to study “Making Sense of the Christian Faith.”


Our Sunday Forum, at 9:15 on Sunday mornings, offers a diverse array of topics, speakers, and presentation styles. Come and learn about the Bible, our local non-profit organizations, and dive deeper into faith.

Fishinista Workshop

Fishinista Workshop


For the past five years Trinity Lutheran Church has sponsored a popular fishing 101 workshop primarily designed for women who have little to no fishing experience, (men with little to no fishing experience are also welcome).

UNFORTUNATELY, this year’s workshops (2016) are cancelled due to the WA State Fish & Wildlife ruling not to open any season for silver salmon (Cohos). We plan to resume hosting the Fishinista workshops in 2017 because the pink salmon will be running in summer of 2017 and we hope that silver salmon will also be open to be caught.

This workshop provides both an overview of basic shoreline salmon fishing plus practical tips including the following:

Putting together your Fishing Kit:

  • Fishing License — How to fill out a catch record – displaying a Vehicle Use Permit
  • Fishing rod / Line / Lures  (mainly buzz bombs)  / Jellies  / Skirts
  • License & pen / Fish & Wildlife Booklet / optional laminated fish ID chart
  • How to Identify the different types of salmon: King or Chinook / Silver or Coho / Pinks or Humpies
  • How to identify the different salmon (humpies, silver, and kings and how many will be running this year)
  • Wild or hatchery? How to tell. Why this is important.
  • Why to use different color and sized lures
  • Signs to look for on the water. Jumping, roiling, bait balls, scanning the water

DSCN0053-1024x779Basics of Fishing 

  •  Understanding catch limits & size (refer to booklet)
  • Where you can fish according to the zone
  • Private property signs
  • Open places to fish on Whidbey Island
  • Best times to go fishing
  • How to read a tide chart
  • Knowing the rules and safety tips (like looking in back before you cast)
  • Preparing the hook.
  • Basic Knots: Show Modified Clinch knot
  • Tying on a buzz bomb
  • Casting and Retrieving techniques
  •  How to cast
  •  Strikes — what they feel like, how to tell, how to set the hook
  • What to expect according to different types of fish
  • Retrieval techniques;  how to ‘play’ the fish
  • Common mistakes

DSCN3700After the Catch

  • Once you land the fish, how to bonk, bleed and gut the fish
  • Recording your catch
  • How to donate salmon to Good Cheer Food Bank
  • Local fishing derbies and fishing clubs you may enjoy
His Hands Extended

His Hands Extended

His Hands Extended sandwich makers

Submitted by Pamela Schroeder

His Hands Extended has grown since its inception from traveling to Seattle to feed and clothe the homeless, starting out at a shelter near the waterfront to serving homeless people under the viaduct, then onto Compass Center at 3rd & Virginia St., then finally, in May 2014, Peter’s Place, a 48 bed overnight shelter, opened in the SoDo district.
We meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month for sandwich making at 11:00 am in the Trinity kitchen. We then travel to Seattle the second and fourth Thursday of the month to Seattle.

After feeding and clothing the residents at Peter’s Place, whatever clothing is left over is dropped off at a Nickelsville encampment nearby. HHE also provides clothing for Everett Gospel Mission and a Women’s Shelter also located in Everett.

This past year your generous donations of food, clothing and bedding have helped countless homeless people.

Our volunteers prepare approximately 300 sandwiches monthly, and in the cold winter months we also provide homemade soup.

We have been able to provide earthenware dishes and flatware, and our quilters donated about 35 quilts. We were also able to purchase a sound system for Peter’s Place, which is used by the staff to relay vital information to the folks in the center.

Unfortunately there are so many homeless men, women and children in Seattle. But thanks to Trinity Lutheran Homeless Ministry, along with South Whidbey Assembly of God, we are able to bring some much needed nourishment, comfort, and the word of God to 200 or more people per month.

Our volunteers with HHE pray for your continued donations in the future, we could not provide for so many needy people without your help!

We are always in need of the following items:

  • Men’s & Women’s clothing items:
  • Underwear, socks, gloves, hats, scarves, coats, shoes
  • Backpacks, sleeping bags, travel size toiletries
  • Lightweight (paperback) books: fiction, self help, novels
  • VOLUNTEER! Join us on a trip to Seattle or help out with sandwich making!

Email or call Pamela Schroeder, Coordinator

[email protected]
We look forward to seeing you!

Matthew 25:35-36

Prayer Group

Wednesday Morning Prayer Group

Our TLC Prayer Group meets Wednesday mornings at 9 a.m. in the second grade  Sunday School classroom.  Our mission is to share concerns, gain insight and support, and pray together for the needs of those at TLC throughout the world.  Please contact Normal Hansson or Linda Plitkins, prayer group coordinators, if you have questions, or call the office.   The group meets September through June.

Wednesday Morning Prayer Group


The Trinity Prayer Group will start up again this fall on Wednesday, September 7 at 9:00 Trinity in the Sunday School wing, 2nd grade classroom. Our mission is to share concerns, gain insight and support, and pray together for the needs of those at TLC throughout the world.  Please contact Linda Plitkins, prayer group coordinator, if you have questions, or call the office.

TLC Quilters


Join the TLC Quilters and make something beautiful that will keep people in need warm and show that someone cares about them.

Every year we make more than 400 quilts which are distributed around the world, to disaster areas in our nation, people in need in our community, to nonprofits for fundraising raffles, and to members of our church at baptism, confirmation, high school graduation and those no longer able to attend church due to illness.

Our quilt tops are made of donated fabric. batting for stuffing is purchased. Quilt back are either purchased sheets or donated fabric or sheets.

It costs approximately $8 per quilt for supplies. Funds for supplies are raised from our annual quilt auction and the raffle of a special quilt at the Holiday Bazaar.

We welcome donations of cotton fabric at any time. that which we cannot use we recycle to Community Thrift.

Don’t sew?  No worry. We’ll teach you.

Join us every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in Grigware Hall, the old TLC building which borders State Route 525.
