What’s Happening at Trinity – March 2021
Easter Worship Services at TLC
April 4 is Easter Sunday, and we will be sharing the joy of the Resurrection with PARKING LOT SERVICES at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Bring a lawn chair, your coffee mug, and a mask, and get ready to see friends as we worship outside on Easter Sunday. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt in our outdoor spaces after the 10:30 service.
Plans for In-Person Worship
Plans to reopen for in person worship are underway. We are looking to reopen on April 25 with services at 8:00 and 10:30. All attendees must wear masks. We will create a safe environment as doors and windows will be open and worshipers will physically distance at least six feet apart throughout the morning. Self-serve coffee will be available but no other food will be served. We will not be passing the plate, or using hymnals, as congregational singing is not allowed.
We will be following State and Island County safety regulations with your well-being our first priority. More information will be forthcoming as we monitor the pandemic and prepare to reopen the doors of TLC.
Lenten & Holy Week Video Worship Services
Every Wednesday in Lent you should receive online video devotionals and musical offerings. It is not the same as being together for our popular Lenten Services and soup suppers, but we are making every attempt to journey together toward Holy Week and Easter.
Join us online during Holy Week. We will be sending out the Holden Evening Prayer Service on Maundy Thursday April 1. On Good Friday, April 2, we will send out a reflective service for the day.
Blessed to be a Blessing
Thank You For Your Generous Gifts!
In February this year we donated $10,000 to ELCA Disaster Relief Texas. We also donated $5,000 to Lutheran World Relief as they fight poverty and hunger worldwide. Blessed to be a Blessing! Your generosity makes such giving possible.
We were happy to return to preschool in February after our January remote session. Weather continued to add challenges to daily planning, but we were all excited to be back to school. We learned about animal habitats and hibernation (we thought being a bear sounded like a great idea on cold, wet mornings), celebrated Valentine’s Day with lots of love, and became mini meteorologists as we studied properties of ice and snow. We are looking forward to more sunny days in March as we learn about different kinds of seeds and prepare our pea garden for planting.
Adult Education
Adult Education is held via Zoom. Linda Nevermann has been hard at work procuring some wonderful speakers for this season! Adult Ed meets at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Call the office, 360-331-5191 or email [email protected], if you would like to be placed on the Adult Ed email list.
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday Bible Study with Pastor Eric is held at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Call the office, 360-331-5191 or email [email protected], if you would like to be placed on Pastor Eric’s Bible Study email list.
Kids, Youth & Families
Sunday School and Confirmation classes continue to meet on Zoom. Confirmation Class for middle school students meets at 11:00 on the first and third Sundays of each month. Sunday School meets at the same time on the second and fourth Sundays.
With local schools returning to in-person learning, we are moving our 4:00 Tuesday Middle School Youth Group to in-person meetings beginning March 23! We will gather, safely, in our courtyard around our brand-new fire pit! S’mores, anyone?
Watch your email for details, and more upcoming events. If you don’t think you’re on the list, contact Deacon Amy at [email protected]
Of Community Importance
Fourth Annual Community Conversation
FRATELLI TUTTI Conversation: 3 p.m. ZOOM on Mondays, March 15, 22, and 29
Are you feeling discouraged by the pervasive culture of divisiveness? The Greening Congregations Collaborative (Trinity is a member) will be sponsoring a March communitywide conversation about the meaning and practice of solidarity. Discussion will be based on Fratelli Tutti, the most recent exhortation from Pope Francis… very timely and inspiring! To register, contact [email protected] before March 12. For more information contact Ann Posner, [email protected].
Also, click HERE to visit the GCC website.
Church Office and Library
Office and Library Hours
Tuesday through Friday,
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Come in to say hello and browse the library – we have a great selection of new books and old favorites. We would love to see you! It is helpful if you phone or email for an appointment with a staff member.
Never hesitate to contact the church office with any question! We are here to serve YOU! Call us at 360-331-5191 or email: [email protected].