How Are Your Roots?

How Are Your Roots?

Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is in the Lord. They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and it leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought, it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.” — Jeremiah 17:7-8

Put yourself in the path of the Gospel. Put yourself in the path of Jesus.

If you read the Jesus story, what you find is that those who were in his pathway were blessed. There were many in ancient Palestine who were disabled, diseased, blind, or dead for that matter. Those in the pathway of Jesus often had their sight restored, their health renewed, and Jesus never encountered a dead body that he did not raise to new life.

That was 2,000 years ago… and today there is no end to human suffering. The followers of Jesus are not promised an escape from the brokenness of body and mind.

Those who believe in God and those who don’t, share the human frailty of flesh and blood. None of us get out of here alive, consequently we should expect to be visited by disease, disaster or the gradual decay of our bodies.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow penned these words in 1841: “Into every life a little rain must fall.” We should expect nothing less.

In every human story there are a variety of seasons. There are seasons of want and seasons of plenty, there are seasons warmed by the sun and bitter cold winters, seasons of love are sometimes followed by betrayal, as toddlers our steps are unstable, and as our days near their end, we wobble without the assistance of cane or walker. Understanding this reality is a critical part of preparing for the journey ahead.

None of us can anticipate every challenge or disaster, but that should not render us helpless.

Those who encountered Jesus were blessed.

Put yourself in the path of the Gospel. Plant your roots deep by streams of living water.

Life is difficult and dangerous, too difficult, and dangerous to navigate alone. I want to encourage you to tend to your root system.

Trees with deep roots can withstand the storms of time, and seasons of drought. Tend to your root system, the life-giving foundations that will allow you to stand tall in times of trouble.

The time to invest in an emergency fund is long before a financial downturn. The time to invest in community is before you need the help of a community. Put yourself in the path of the Gospel. Show up for worship, bathe yourself in grace, hear words of forgiveness, rub shoulders with other sinners, learn from the stories of others, wash some feet, feed the hungry, shed tears and dry the tears of others, share your fears and brokenness with those who will not judge you or reject you.

Muse upon God’s word, be uplifted by the great hymns of the church, don’t go it alone. When I am alone, I am in bad company.

How are your roots? Good things happen to those who encounter Jesus.

I will see you in Church, we are after all, one day closer.

Pastor Jim

[email protected]


Remember that we change to our summer schedule with worship services at 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. this Sunday!

Deathbed Insight

Deathbed Insight

Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

It has been my privilege, a sacred honor, to be at the deathbed of so many, to experience final moments, and a final breath. Pastor Dan Erlander, my friend, mentor, and partner in ministry at TLC for a decade, shared a deathbed experience with me. He said that as he was keeping vigil at the deathbed of a hospitalized parishioner, he moved closer to touch the man’s forehead, making the sign of the cross. Suddenly the man’s breathing became labored; it seemed clear to Pastor Dan that the end was near. Dan inched even closer, reading the 23 Psalm. He said that it was then, in labored tones, the man uttered his final words on this earth. “Pastor you are standing on my oxygen cord.” It was of course a joke, but he had me going until the end.

My first deathbed experience was at Billings Hospital in Chicago where my grandmother was dying of AIDS. She had been my constant companion, babysitter, and friend for the first 22 years of my life. We gathered around her bed, and she just closed her eyes, no final words to remember or treasure.

On a dark and cold Whidbey winter evening a decade ago, I drove to Whidbey General Hospital to be with Trudy Paulin. Trudy was a woman of faith, she had fought the good fight, death was near, but not an enemy; she was not afraid. We held hands, I read scripture to her, and we prayed. She then stroked my hand and said, “It is nasty outside, you go home now, be safe driving, and hug your girls.” I kissed her on the forehead and she smiled; Trudy died shortly after I departed.

When one is at the very end of this earthly journey words are not wasted, words are precious and chosen with care. At the end of his life, just moments before his arrest, Jesus gave his disciples a new commandment, “Love one another, as I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

Moses gave us 10 Commandments. Those 10 Commandments became the foundation for the legal codes embraced by countries across the world. Jesus did not discount any of the 10 Commandments, but he did consolidate them into one: love, love one another, as I have loved you.

This one commandment cannot be understood without two tiny, sometimes overlooked, words: “As I.”

We are to love as Jesus did. Jesus loved by serving, healing, touching the untouchable, listening, washing feet, forgiving, and ultimately by giving his life. He did not let a series of civil and religious laws obscure the rule of love. Love one another as I have loved you. The Apostle Paul understood this love to include patience and kindness.

The 10 Commandments given by Moses had become 613 religious laws by the time that Jesus was born. The law had taken on a life of its own; it was a cruel, judgmental taskmaster that unnecessarily restricted the lives of God’s people. Would it be possible for you to remember, must less keep, 613 laws? On his deathbed Jesus condensed the 10 Commandments and 613 laws into a single command. Jesus did not mince words. The command was to love, to love as he loved.

The great Seattle born theologian and guitarist Jimi Hendrix famously said, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

Our world is troubled, not more troubled than it was in the 1960’s, not more troubled than it was in Jesus’ day; the world has always been troubled. We are not in a position to cure all the ailments of this world. We are not able to stop the waring madness of power-hungry dictators and politicians. We cannot, on our own, solve the crisis at our Southern border, the political unrest in Africa, or the evil of white supremacy.

That reality does not negate the call of Jesus to love. Our lives should still be guided by God’s theological North Star; this commandment to love AS Jesus loved. We are not helpless, far from it, we have at our disposal the very power that conquered the Roman Empire. We have the power that comes from God, and that power is love. “Love,” not armies, conquered the Empire; love conquered the same Empire that put Jesus on a cross.

To love AS Jesus loved is the command; that has not changed in 2,000 years. The love that is commanded is a choice to be made each day. This deathbed insight can illuminate a pathway to a more abundant life. The choice is yours, each morning, with each encounter with spouse, friend, or stranger. Can we make the choice to love? Can we be known for our patience, kindness, acts of charity and forgiveness?

A new commandment I give you, “Love one another, as I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix.

One beggar telling another where to find bread, I am your,

Pastor Jim

[email protected]

Don’t Pray

Don’t Pray

Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.

There is a lot of talk these days about “thoughts and prayers.” I believe in the power of both. Great thinkers have changed the world. All human achievement begins with thought. Transformative technologies, lifesaving innovations, philosophies, and democracy all had their genesis in the minds of people. The world as we know it, for better or worse, is a direct consequence of human thought. We think it, before we do it.

Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.

Thoughts and prayers: I believe in the power of both. Prayer changes lives, and consequently it has the power to change the world. Prayer is nothing more than a conversation with God, laying our lives, our hopes, dreams, and doubts before the one who gave us life. But this is not a conversation like those that you share with friends over coffee. We bring very little to the conversation. We have no new information for God. God listens to me when I pray, but I don’t think God ever says, “Good point Jim, I never thought of that.”

Prayer does not change God; prayer changes the one who prays. When we are changed by prayer, then we can change our behavior, change our story, change our families and our world. There is a mysterious power in prayer. God moves in marvelous, unpredictable, unfathomable ways when we open our hearts to God in prayer.

Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.

There is a lot of talk these days about “thoughts and prayers.” But in reality “thoughts and prayers” have little power if they are not followed up with action. The Bible says, “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:26

We can pray all day for the wood to be split, for a meal to be prepared, for our neighbors to be fed, but those thoughts and prayers will be rendered ineffectual if no one picks up an axe or a spatula or an apron. Democracy may have had its genesis in thoughts and prayers, but democracy became a reality with the blood and sacrifice of the patriots.

Your thoughts and prayers are important. I would encourage you to be informed, to take time to think, and to pray for God’s guidance. Thoughts and prayers should translate to your daily life and the everyday choices that will largely determine your health and the health of our community. So, let’s be very clear; God is not going to fund your IRA, cure climate change, or stop the war in Ukraine. Faith without works is dead. Thoughts and prayers with no intention to participate in the solution are a waste of God’s time and yours.

Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.

Our political leaders need to stop offering their thoughts and prayers to the endless parade of victims, and begin working for the common good of all people. The people of God should not be praying for the hungry, for refugees, and the planet unless we are taking whatever steps we can to address these causes. Jesus never met anyone and said, “stay where you are.” We are called to turn our thoughts and prayers into loving service.

Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.

One beggar telling another where to find bread,

Pastor Jim

[email protected]

CREATION’S CORNER #4: Adam Naming the Animals

CREATION’S CORNER #4: Adam Naming the Animals

Have you ever considered the significance of Genesis 2:19?

“He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.”

Significant? Yes! In the Bible, names matter. A name is not just a convenience label but is a descriptor of who/what the person is. When an individual’s role changes in Scripture their name also changes – Saul to Paul, Abram to Abraham.

What was the significance and meaning of these name changes?

What about Adam naming the creatures?

Adam’s responsibility was to care for all that God had created. Adam’s naming signifies a bond of relationship. One takes care of what one knows and loves! Adam now “knew” the creatures he was to watch over as one bearing God’s image. If he did not “know” them, he could not provide for their needs.

The same is true today. In future posts we will consider this topic again as it pertains to your own backyard.

Are we today modern-day Noahs with Earth the present-day ark?

Let’s consider our church in Freeland. TLC is blessed with beautiful property that includes a walking trail and a natural area with a wetland. Do we know what species of animals and plants share our small piece of Creation with the human worshiping community? Are we being good stewards? Do we know the names of our non-human neighbors?

Did you know that we have Virginia Rails? Do they too raise their voice in praise as we humans join as a worshipping community?

You and I live in God’s Creation today. We are to be Kingdom People living in that now but not yet, as we await our Lord’s return. As God’s image bearers, our task requires love, wisdom, knowledge, and patience.

Would you like to join TLC’s efforts in knowing and caring for our non-human community? Let me know.

Thanks for reading.

— Joe Sheldon

P.S. Direct comments to [email protected]

It Started With A Vision…

It Started With A Vision…

Today’s Word From Pastor Jim…

It started with a vision. No one else shared the vision; we were after all, growing, expanding our TLC campus and staff. Money was tight, we were in debt; we were following Jesus by extending love and hospitality to our neighbors.

It started with a vision, though no one else seemed to share the vision. That really did not matter to Steve Schrecengost. Steve was known for coloring outside the lines.

It started with a vision. A visionary in our congregation dreamed of touching the future through the formation of a Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund. What does one do when no one shares your vision? I suppose that you could just move on to other endeavors. That would not be the case with Steve. Led by his vision, Steve Schrecengost took matters into his own hands. He created a problem that could not be ignored.

Steve knew that Trinity held a sacred trust with its donors. The church always honors the donor’s intentions. Steve had been very active in our finances; he understood this sacred trust. He knew that if a donation came to Trinity and the donor wanted it to go to Good Cheer, then it would be forwarded to Good Cheer. If the donor made out a check to TLC and put “Guide Dogs for the Blind” in the memo, then Trinity would send the money in that direction.

Steve Schrecengost had a vision, but the rest of us were too busy to acknowledge that vision. So, he created a problem that could not be ignored, an opportunity that could not be missed. Steve and Cris Schrecengost gave Trinity a gift of stock. It was $2,900 or so, and it was designated to the non-existent Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment Fund.

The seeds had been planted. The church was obligated to honor the donor’s request. The vision of 1998 would lead to the establishment of the TLC Endowment. It would take time and patience for the endowment to take flight; there would be no distributions for years.

Steve died suddenly and tragically at the age of 46. He died before he was able to see the fruits of his labor, the yearly harvest that would touch future generations, the generous disbursements made possible by his vision.

The Trinity Lutheran Church Endowment gave away $232,000 in 2022. This money supported local charities, national and international causes, and provided needed scholarships to dozens of college students.

Make your final statement in life consistent with the values that guided your days on earth. Remember the Trinity Endowment in your will. The total overhead cost to run the Trinity Endowment is .85%. That means that 99.15% of your money is used to touch the future, not just this year but for decades to come.

I would invite you to be inspired by the vision of Steve Schrecengost. I would invite you to join a visionary movement that will touch the future.

This never was Steve’s endowment; it was only his vision. This is your endowment, this is our endowment!

Blessed to be a Blessing!

Pastor Jim

Contact Pastor Jim if you have questions at:

[email protected]