CREATION’S CORNER #26 God’s Provision: The Atmosphere, not to be taken for granted!

CREATION’S CORNER #26 God’s Provision: The Atmosphere, not to be taken for granted!

Morning Prayer

Creator God, who set the stars in their places and directs the course of the planets; who robed this earth with a thin garment of air, making it a haven of beauty and life; who breathed into each of us the breath of life: We thank you for the gift of air. Create in us such a sense of wonder and delight in this and in all your gifts that we receive with gratitude, care for them with love, and generously share them with all your creatures, to the honor and glory of your holy name. Amen.

From All Creation Sings, p. 48.

Have you taken time to contemplate the atmosphere as a provision of God for life on earth? How amazing it is! When one looks at the picture of Earth, the atmosphere is seen as wispy lines and patches of clouds near the surface – a layer so imperceptibly thin that it is nearly invisible if you look at the edges of the Earth’s sphere. The second photo shows the atmosphere as a thin golden glow at the horizon. It is within this thin, precious layer of atmospheric gases that all life exists – the biosphere, the living and breathing creation of our Lord. Humans live up to three miles above sea level and plants as high as four miles. Above this, it is too cold and there is too little oxygen for life to exist.

This high-exposure photo from the International Space Station shows Earth’s atmospheric glow and a starry sky as the orbital complex soared 258 miles (415 kilometers) above the Pacific Ocean northeast of Papua New Guinea. (Image credit: NASA)

Dr. Calvin DeWitt in his book Earthwise, describes seven provisions of the Creator that make life possible on Earth. One of those provisions is Energy Exchange. We will consider two of its features associated with the atmosphere.

THE OZONE SHIELD. A layer of ozone is present in the upper atmosphere which intercepts much of the incoming solar UV-B radiation. This form of ultraviolet radiation damages DNA molecules and is a primary cause of skin cancer. The presence of the ozone layer protects life from harmful solar radiation. At the ground level, high levels of ozone are a major pollutant. High in the atmosphere, ozone is a life saver.

THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT: In the right amounts, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide regulate Earth’s temperature by governing the amount of long-wave heat radiation that is re-radiated back into space. There is an essential balance between the amount of incoming solar energy and the amount re-radiating back into space. The Greenhouse gases are Earth’s “windows”. They allow shorter wave incoming visible radiation to pass through and strike Earth’s surface but absorb some of the longer-wave heat energy re-radiating back into space. When the “right” balance of greenhouse gases is present, earth remains at the optimum temperature for life. However, the more greenhouse gasses present, the hotter the earth will be! The year 2023 was the hottest year ever recorded on Earth. What will 2024 bring?

I recommend that you go back and carefully re-read the morning prayer above. Join me in making that a prayer for life!

Thanks for listening.

— Joe Sheldon

Direct comments to Joe Sheldon at [email protected]

If you would like to receive additional information on Creation care, notices of special events, Creation walks I lead, etc. please contact me at the above address and I will add you to my e-mail list. Your comments are welcome.

CREATION’S CORNER #25: Sacred Grounds, Holy Grounds, or both?

CREATION’S CORNER #25: Sacred Grounds, Holy Grounds, or both?

When you drive onto the Trinity Lutheran Church property, you enter Sacred Grounds – officially certified by the National Wildlife Federation. Earlier in 2023, TLC received Wildlife Habitat certification. Why is this significant? It recognizes that Trinity Lutheran Church takes Scripture seriously. We are caring for God’s very good Creation on our 25 acres. Within those 25 acres are 14 acres of protected wetlands.

What does it mean to be “official” Wildlife Habitat and Sacred Grounds? As stewards on behalf of our Creator, TLC is providing a source of food, water, cover, and a place for the creatures living on our 25 acres to flourish and to raise their young.

But, to continue our story, we need to turn to the beginning – when God (Father, Son, and Spirit) Created heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1). In “Corner #24: Mystery, we considered the wonder of Creation – it’s total majesty and that Old Testament Theologian John H. Walton suggests in his book, The Lost World of Genesis One, that Genesis chapter one describes the creation of God’s holy temple. That would encompass the entire created order – heaven and earth as described in Scripture. Isaiah 66:1-2 describes it this way:

This is what the Lord says:
“Heaven is my throne,
And the earth is my footstool.
Where is the house you will build for me?
Where will my resting place be?
Has not my hands made all these things,
And so they came into being?”
Declares the Lord.

Bruce Waltke, renowned Old Testament scholar, writes on the back cover of Walton’s book that it is “a landmark study…. His view that the seven days refer to the inauguration of the cosmos as a functioning temple where God takes up his residence as his headquarters from which he runs the world merits reflection by all who love the God of Abraham.”

Next time you step out of your car at Trinity Lutheran, contemplate what it means to walk on sacred (holy) ground. If you feel the urge, take off your shoes! Do you sense that you are walking within God’s holy temple? If so, what does it mean to you as a Christ follower? If Walton and Waltke and other theologians are correct, the true holy temple also includes your own backyard and all that there is. You may believe that your home belongs to you, but you only hold the mortgage. God holds the title. Does that make a difference?

Our prayer: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Cor 5:18. Lord God, help us to feel Creation’s groaning and its long waiting for us to do our part in bringing healing to your precious temple.

Thanks for listening.

— Joe Sheldon

Direct comments to Joe Sheldon at [email protected]

If you would like to receive additional information on Creation care, notices of special events, Creation walks I lead, etc. please contact me at the above address and I will add you to my e-mail list. Your comments are welcome.



PILLARS OF CREATION from James Webb Space Telescope

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” — Genesis 1:1. We also read the beautiful words of Psalm 19:1-2: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they declare knowledge….”

These words are filled with mystery. They are foundational to our faith. I do not know about you, but I often find mystery challenging. It is beyond my imagination! Old Testament theologian John H. Walton suggests Genesis chapter one uses temple language as God speaks of Creation – heaven and earth – as God’s temple. The Father, Son, and Spirit together — brought about the created order. The God of Creation is a God of righteousness, love, grace, mercy, compassion, and order …. Psalm 19 celebrates that Glory!

When I, a scientist, turn to the pages written in Creation’s “scientific” history, I continue to find mystery. Perhaps it is just my relatively small mind that cannot comprehend the beginning some 14 billion years ago when all the “stuff” that comprises the entire universe is thought to have been condensed into a mass the size of a marble. My friend, Dr. David Bradstreet, an astro-physicist, suggests in his book Star Struck: Seeing the Creator in the Wonders of Our Cosmos, that science can trace the beginning back to a fraction of a second before the “big bang” when, in Bradstreet’s view, all that is present is the fingerprint of God. Can you comprehend all the mass of the universe contracted into a marble sized object? Neither can I. What was before that? God, a marble-sized mass, and …nothing? My mind demands something! It cannot comprehend the absolute of nothingness!

When we consider the “stuff” in that original marble-size mass, science tells us that it was composed primarily of hydrogen, some helium, and a little lithium. Following the big bang and the subsequent expansion of the universe, this primordial material started to condense into gravitational masses that ultimately became the 1st generation stars – thermo-nuclear fusion generators of the first heavier elements. In short, the bulk of the stuff you and I are composed of was birthed in a star. We are made of star stuff! The first-generation stars led to second and third generation stars with new star formation continuing today.

Now some 14 billion years later, we have the James Webb space telescope orbiting one million miles above Earth. As this telescope scans the heavens, we are learning amazing things about God’s creation. The universe (the stuff of the original creation) continues to expand. What does it expand into? The nothingness of nothing? Again, I am having a bit of a problem here! Our current technology can “see” approximately 45 billion light years to the edge of the “visible” universe. Beyond that?

The “stuff” of that visible universe is totally amazing! Earth is a member of one solar system in one galaxy. It is estimated that there are at least 100 billion galaxies! Within our own galaxy, known as the “Milky Way”, it is estimated that there are 100 thousand million stars! Most of these stars are thought to have planets orbiting them. Only recently has our technology allowed us to “see” planets outside of our solar system – currently more than 5000 have been recorded! Then there are pulsar stars, the super dense collapsed core of supergiant stars that have a diameter of only 12 miles or so and rotate at nearly 1000 times per second. When I begin to think of black holes, my mind nearly goes blank. Mystery! What is the James Webb telescope telling us about Creation and God’s Glory? How big is your God?

Psalm 8: 1-6
“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise….
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? For you made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
For you made him ruler over the works of your hands; You put everything under his feet.”

Prayer for today

Lord, as we bow in utter amazement at the glory of your Creation, we ask you to guide us in our care of this precious and holy place. May we be filled with Your wisdom and Your love as we tend Your holy garden – Your temple. Amen.

Thanks for listening.

— Joe Sheldon

Direct comments to Joe Sheldon at [email protected]

If you would like to receive additional information on Creation care, notices of special events, Creation walks I lead, etc. please contact me at the above address and I will add you to my e-mail list. Your comments are welcome.



There is no question that these are human footprints. If you happened to find them, however, what questions might you ask? Who? When? Why? What would you like to know about the individual(s) who made the tracks?

These tracks were recently discovered in White Sands National Park — You will likely find the details in the link interesting. It partially answers the questions above. The footprints are approximately 22,000 years old. We know very little about the people who created the tracks, but we do know much about the ecological conditions when the tracks were made. Unlike the desert conditions today with blowing gypsum sand, the area was a lush grassland abounding in animals that no longer walk in God’s Creation today (see my earlier Creation’s Corner # 15). It was at the peak of the last ice age with much cooler and more moist conditions.

Perhaps it looked much like the artist’s image here. Along with the human footprints, the tracks of several extinct animals were also found. How was the date established for the tracks? Below and above the footprints were grass seeds. Radiocarbon dating was used on the seeds plus another independent dating method – optically stimulated luminescence. The results were the same. These tracks are the oldest confirmed presence of humans in North America.

What do we know about these people? Not much! We do know that they hunted the megafauna – projectile points have been found embedded in bones of some of the extinct animals. Beyond that, there is little evidence about their lives and next to nothing “written in the landscape.”

How do you and I compare with these early humans? Our impact on the landscape is now globally apparent. Geologists have categorized the geological history of earth into time periods, as shown, based on evident geological changes in Earth’s history. Until recently, the last geological epoch that included all human history was the Holocene. Geologists currently are adding a new epoch to the geological time chart – the Anthropocene. The geological impact of humanity is written clearly on the landscape. It is the first time in Earth’s history that a single species has been responsible for changing the global landscape. The saying “take only memories and leave only footprints” is attributed to Chief Seattle. Memories we have all accumulated. But the footprint of humanity is now huge.

What can each of us do to reduce the size of our personal footprint and begin to walk the path that our Lord intended? What suggestions would you be willing to share? It would make a nice Creation’s Corner to summarize and share our own experiences and actions. Just a thought…. You have my e-mail address.

Our prayer for the day – Lord, we ask for Your wisdom and Your guidance. We desire to serve You in Your Kingdom today. When we pass from this Kingdom’s life into your Holy presence, we pray that our life will have brought you pleasure. Amen

Thanks for listening.

— Joe Sheldon

Direct comments to[email protected]

If you would like to receive additional information on Creation care, notices of special events, Creation walks I lead, etc. don’t hesitate to contact me at the above address and I will add you to my e-mail list. Your comments are welcome.



New words are cropping up daily. Solastalgia is one of them. It is defined as “…a form of emotional or existential distress caused by environmental change”. When you hear the all-to-frequent references to the global emergency of climate change, loss of biodiversity, and other dire environmental warmings, how do you respond? Some rapidly tire of the constant barrage of warnings and stop listening. Others, however, who take the warnings seriously, may have a deep personal impact on their mental well-being that can eventually result in a loss of hope.

I have spent much of my life working in the environmental arena, both within the Christian community and the secular. I have found a profound difference in their outlooks. Although I am speaking in broad generalities, the secular folk often approach environmental issues as problem solvers. It depends on them! The hope for the future depends on their contribution to solving the problems today. On the extreme, it can be a fatalistic view – either success or the likely extinction of humanity. The only hope rests on their success.

Within the Christian-based community working to care for God’s very good Creation, their outlook rests on a different foundation. They too are highly motivated; they too hear the warnings; they may even have been part of the scientific community that sounded the alarm — but their hope meter is based ultimately on the promises of Scripture. In the words of Julian of Norwich, “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” These were the words she heard her Lord say. Colossians 1:20 suggests that the ultimate victory has already been won. Yet we still find ourselves living in the now, but not yet. Romans 8:19 describes Creation as “waiting in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed…. And in verse 20 “…the whole creation has been groaning as in pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” While the creation groans at the present, 2 Cor 5:18 tells us that we have been reconciled and given the ministry of reconciliation.

Yes, creation is groaning. It is bent and bruised. But we, as God’s children, have been called to be part of its reconciliation – its healing. But the ultimate success does not depend on us alone. We are privileged to participate with our Lord as we do our part. Christ taught us to pray “…Your Kingdom Come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” It is Christ who is bringing in the Kingdom. We are called to participate, but our hope is not in what we accomplish, but in Christ’s ultimate accomplishment in the completed creation — in the new heaven and new earth of Revelation 21-22. Our task today is to prayerfully participate in day-to-day right living in God’s present Kingdom. One day at a time as we tend His garden! If you have more questions, I recommend N.T. Wright’s book “Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church.” It is an important contribution by a highly respected theologian.

Thanks for listening.

— Joe Sheldon

Direct comments to[email protected]

If you would like to receive additional information on Creation care, notices of special events, Creation walks I lead, etc. don’t hesitate to contact me at the above address and I will add you to my e-mail list. Your comments are welcome.



As the first rays of the sun broke through the lingering darkness of night, morning did not find me on the beach today. Salmon season ended on September 30th. My freezer is adequately filled for the year and my early mornings now have other pursuits. This October morning, as often happens, my constant companion, Risa, joined me for a walk in the morning stillness. As is typical for most dogs, her sense of smell, hearing, and sight are attuned to the natural world far better than mine.

Then we heard it! Joining the other birds in the dawn chorus was the ethereal flute-like call of a Varied Thrush with each note of its song beginning on a different pitch (hence its name varied). It had been several months since I had enjoyed this unique voice in the early morning chorus. You see, Varied Thrush only spend the fall, winter, and early spring months at low elevation. They undergo a vertical migration into the high country where they breed during the summer. Now it was time for them to enjoy the solitude and warmer weather of the lowlands as the high country is blanketed in snow.

I encourage you to go to Google or your personal web browser and query the browser for the song of a Varied Thrush. It will brighten your day! While you are at it, you might want to listen to another beautiful song in the dawn chorus. Swainson’s Thrush is a cousin to the Varied Thrush and is a common summer resident in the western Washington lowlands. Whereas the Varied Thrush spends summer in the mountains, Swainson’s Thrush spends the winter in the tropics and joins us during the breeding season. It’s rising flute-like song is frequently heard at dusk in our western forests. You will enjoy adding it to your repertoire of bird songs. And be sure to say a prayer of thanks for the beauty of nature’s music.

If you are an early riser, during the fall, winter, and spring, you can catch a glimpse of Varied Thrush as they come out to feed along road edges in wooded areas. You might mistake them for another thrush, the American Robin of about the same size, but the markings of Varied Thrush are distinctive. Fortunately, during the winter you will not have to rise early for this enjoyment as they move to the road edges shortly after the first light of dawn. You might be able to sleep in until 6:30 or 7:00 a.m. and add this delightful opportunity to your morning prayer and devotion time.

Thanks for listening. Direct comments to [email protected]

— Joe Sheldon

If you would like to receive additional information on Creation care, notices of special events, Creation walks I lead, etc. please contact me at the above address and I will add you to my e-mail list. As always, your comments are welcome.