Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

A few thoughts about why we gather to worship God.

If we are to have this conversation, then it helpful to know what worship will NOT do for us:

  1. Your worship attendance will not get you into heaven.
  2. Your worship attendance will not get you any special status with God.
  3. Your worship attendance will not guarantee you financial or relationship success in life.
  4. Your worship attendance will not give you any protection from disease, disaster, aging, or harm.
  5. As simple creatures we are not able to negotiate with God. Our worship and our prayers are not negotiating sessions.

We cannot earn or purchase God’s love or favor. There is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us less.

So why do we gather for worship?  Why does God expect us to worship in a faith community?

  1. Our worship is a grateful RESPONSE to what God has already done for us. We gather to offer our thanks and praise to the one who gave us life and breath and seasons in the sun.
  2. We come to put ourselves in the path of the Gospel, believing that the way of Jesus leads to abundant life. We have a better chance at an abundant and more peaceful life if we keep the 10 Commandments and learn to love our neighbors as ourselves.
  3. We come to hear words of promise and hope in a world that can be harsh and unforgiving.
  4. We gather with other flawed and frail humans for fellowship; soaking up the human touch, a friendly face, a warm embrace. We need each other. We gather because everyone is carrying heavy burdens that go with our human journey.  We gather because every family is complicated, and misery loves company.
  5. We believe that together we can make a difference in our community and in our world. We pool our resources to provide for our neighbors. Trinity Lutheran Church gives away approximately $10,000 every week in support of local charities, scholarships to students and a wide array of national and international causes.
  6. Blessed to be a Blessing! We gather to give back.  We serve.  We serve cookies.  We model the faith for young people.  We cut wood, we collect food for our local foodbanks, we quilt, we open our doors and the communion table to all people regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.

Why worship? Worship is a natural response, offering thanks for the gifts we have received. Worship makes our lives and our communities better and reminds us of God’s promises: We are loved, we are forgiven, and we are never alone.

I will see you in church!

One beggar telling another beggar where to find bread, I am your,

Pastor Jim