Today’s Word from Pastor Jim… 

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
come into God’s presence with singing.” Psalm 100

What is up with your church? Does your church really encourage folks to dress in Hawaiian garb for a luau Sunday? Does your church encourage people to wear NFL jerseys and celebrate college spirit Sweatshirt Sundays? Has all decorum been set aside? What do cinnamon rolls, chocolate Sunday and tee shirt Sundays have to do with following Jesus? Are there no limits? What is next? A country western worship service? What kind of church do you belong to?

Trinity Lutheran Church is a gathering of people, real people who enjoy food, fellowship, football, playfulness, classical music, folk music, rock and roll and on occasion country western music. Trinity Lutheran Church is a gathering of real people, real people with broken homes and broken hearts, we have our individual life stories and experiences. Our beliefs are not uniform, they are in fact quite diverse. Real people gather here, they come in faith and doubt, with fears, phobias and scars. Real people, that is what we are. Real people, just like the ones Jesus met and ministered to. Real people who are longing for community, for a place to belong, a sanctuary, a place of grace where words of hope and encouragement are spoken. A place to encounter God’s Spirit.

Gospel means “good news.” The followers of Jesus are called to be people of good news. Jesus loved a party; wedding parties, parties for prodigal children, breaking bread with known sinners. When people come in the doors of Trinity Lutheran Church it should resemble a party house not a funeral home. Parties are loud and filled with laughter as friends old and new come together to break bread and drink wine. If you have ever been to a family or high school reunion, you know the joy of reuniting with people that have shared important chapters of life. Every Sunday at TLC is a family reunion. We should expect joyful noise! After all, we have much to celebrate. Blessed to be a blessing, our worship is a joyful celebration of God’s love. It is only fitting that we would gather to give thanks.

What kind of church do you belong to? I belong to a church where real people gather, where the communion table is open to all, where the broken are consoled and pretense has no place. There is no room for bragging, judging or excluding. One beggar, telling another beggar where to find bread, that is TLC.

What kind of church do you belong to? A church that cares about our community, the environment and the world. A church that supports dozens of local non-profits, international relief organizations, the poor and oppressed of the world. I belong to a church that gives away $10,000 every week for the common good of humanity.

That is the church I belong to and I hope that you will join us; the merry mischief makers of Whidbey Island, following Jesus and doing good. And when you come, you can expect a warm welcome and considerable noise. It is after all, a family reunion, a party where Jesus is the host.

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
come into God’s presence with singing.”

One day closer,

Pastor Jim

If you would like to email Pastor Jim direct please send a note to: [email protected]