Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…
Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? I have not had great luck with New Year’s Resolutions in the past. Given my track record, I decided this year to make two resolutions: I will make every attempt to gain 5 pounds, and I will not get more exercise. If the past is any indicator of future performance, then I should be healthier come December 31st, 2025. We will see.
I have had much better success with vows. Vows are less common, more serious, and we might say sacred. I held hands with Felicia at First Lutheran Church in DeKalb, Illinois 42 years ago and we exchanged wedding vows. At the very same church in July of 1986, I knelt and took the lifetime vows of ordination. When I came to Trinity in 1989, I vowed to be your pastor.
As we begin the year 2025, you are going to have opportunities to take some vows. Tomorrow we will be remembering and celebrating the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River. Then you will have the opportunity to be baptized or to reaffirm your baptism as you approach the baptismal font. I am expecting a parade of good Lutheran sinners. The process will be like Holy Communion except there will be no bread or wine, just water waiting to remind you of God’s love. There will also be vows: “is it your desire to follow Jesus Christ for the rest of your life?” You can come forward or you can stay put, Karl will be singing for you either way.
Then on February 9th, as we approach the great lover’s holiday known as Valentine’s Day you will have the opportunity to renew your marriage vows. You need not be married to come forward, and if you want to make it official that day, get a marriage license and let me know. I can save you a lot of money on the reception.
I know that we have a lot of widowed folks at TLC and others who are not in a relationship. You will not be left out that day. Together we will recommit ourselves to stand for love. The focus of the day will be about God’s call to love, and that call goes out to all Christians. Couples of all kinds will approach the altar; young, old, gay, straight they will come. We will all be participants, cheerleaders and supporters of a Christian community that will vow to love God and love our neighbors.
Now for the really good news! Both of those Sundays are second Sundays so there will be fresh cinnamon rolls and who knows, in February, maybe even wedding cake. Those who take vows and those who do not take vows are always welcome in Jesus’ church, at the Lord’s table, and in the cinnamon roll line.
Let’s make 2025 a year of renewed commitment to our God, to our community, and to each other.
One beggar, telling another beggar where to find cinnamon rolls, I am your,
Pastor Jim
PS: If you would like to take part in the vow renewal on February 9th please let me know at [email protected]. I can let you know the logistics.