Three times a year a new members class is held for people who want to more about Christianity, what Lutherans believe, and how the church functions.

The next New Member Classes begin Saturday, March 1, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. with a Meet & Greet with Pastor Jim and Robin Edgeman in the Fireside Room. We will have coffee and goodies and discuss TLC church history, our guiding principles, sacraments, and TLC operations.

An additional class with Deacon Amy will be Saturday, March 8, at 9:00 a.m. That class will cover Lutheran Church history, a review of the Protestant Reformation, Christian Education, and TLC Preschool, along with how you can volunteer at Trinity.

If you decide to join us in formal membership, new members will be accepted at either worship service on Sunday, March 16, or at your convenience. If you can only make one class, you are still welcome to attend and to join the church. For questions, or to RSVP contact the church office at 360-331-5191, or email [email protected]

Please contact the church office at 360-331-5191 to be included in the next class.

Are you interested in church membership? Join Pastor Jim and Deacon Amy to learn more about Lutheranism, the history of Trinity Lutheran Church and more.

All are welcome. Membership is not mandatory after attending these classes. Call the office if you have questions, 360-331-5191.


At the end of the two classes, those people wishing to become members at Trinity are welcomed in at a worship service and given a cross made from olive wood from the Holy Land.

If you would like to know when the next New Members Class is taking place, contact the church office at (360) 331-5191.


8 or 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
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