“God is our refuge and strength, therefore we will not fear.
Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46

2015-10-10-PJ-Old-StoriesI had the opportunity last week to spend time with the Health classes at the South Whidbey High School. For the past couple of years, I have been asked to teach a class on suicide. Suicide is a real threat to our youth. In fact, suicide is the second leading cause of death among high school students.

One of my goals was to help the young people to have realistic expectations for the seasons of their lives. The human journey is long and precarious. How long? The young people born in the year 2000 can expect to live 80 years, but half of them will live to see their One Hundredth Birthday! If you are going to live that long, then you have to expect your share of dark days, times of sorrow, and seasons of despair.

But what do we know about the seasons? The seasons always change. The cold dark days of winter will give way to the buds and blossoms of new life. Summer follows spring, gracing us with long days and warm sunshine. Soon the leaves begin to fall, and once again we prepare for winter. The seasons always change. Our lives are always changing.

So if you are in the midst of despair, hold on; nothing lasts forever and days of dancing are just around the corner. If you are on top of the world right now, know that the road ahead will not be without pain. If you are healthy now, be prepared for seasons of dis ease. Have realistic expectations. Do not lose hope when you are afraid, lost or alone.

Suicide is a real threat to our high school students. Terrorism is not a real threat to the people of TLC. Of course we could be killed by a terrorist, but the odds are much better that we will choke on our dinner, get hit by a falling tree, or die in a car accident on the way to Payless.

The truth be told, there has never been a safer time to live. We are less likely to die by violence, plague, plane crash, or disaster than at any time in human history. We are incredibly safe even when we travel. Even so, between the nightly news and the terrorist reports we could become so frightened that we quit living full and abundant lives. If that happens, the bad guys win. If we give our lives over to fear — irrational fear — then we are to be pitied for wasting the gift of life.

Our thoughts and prayers go to the people of France, Europe, much of Africa and the Middle East. We pray that the governments of the world would unite to fight evil. We pray that the powerbrokers of the world would work for the common good, seeking peace and justice for all of God’s children.

So if you are a powerbroker, get to work! If you are not, then live, love, laugh, and serve in your daily life. Have realistic expectations for the seasons of your life. Do not lose hope, and do not let fear hold you captive. God is our refuge and strength, therefore we will not fear.

See you in Church!


Pastor Jim

Questions or Comments? Email Pastor Jim at rvlindus@whidbey.com.

Join us for worship at 8:00, 9:30 or 11:00 am this Sunday!