Today’s Word from Pastor Jim

I have spent most of my life eating fruit from trees that I did not plant.

If everyone were like me, we would have a lot of interesting little anecdotes to amuse us as we died of starvation. I have never planted a crop in my life, and yet I have eaten my share of food. If everyone were like me, people would be basically kind, as we died of exposure. I am not a plumber, a roofer, or an electrician. I have never built a home, but I have managed to live in a few.

I have spent most of my life eating fruit from trees that I did not plant.

Life has come to me pretty much as a gift. I have benefited from the sacrifice and labor of others. The roads, schools, hospitals, ferries, and airplanes come to me as a gift. If you had traveled the Oregon Trail with me, I might have officiated at your funeral, but neither of us would have survived.

At this time of national crisis, I am so thankful for health care professionals, grocery workers, ferry workers, the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker. My life is better because you go to work for me.

Martin Luther taught the world about the priesthood of all believers. It was a radical teaching. Before Luther, the priests and nuns did the holy work of God, and the rest of the poor suckers just got up each day to do secular work. Their labor was a necessary evil in order that they might care for their families and support those who did holy work.

Luther maintained that the work of the teacher, builder, gravedigger, garbage collector, and shop owner was just as holy as the work of the ordained. Why? Because in baptism we are called to the priesthood of all believers. Some are called to preach and some are called to milk cows. All work is a calling from God and all who work do so in service to their neighbors.

I have spent most of my life eating fruit from trees that I did not plant.

Do not take the service of neighbors for granted. Remember to say thanks to those who serve you in seasons of hardship and seasons of plenty.

We are one day closer to the end of this crisis.

Much love,


Pastor Jim

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