Whether you are a person exploring what Christianity is all about, someone raised in a different faith tradition, or a lifelong Christian who has recently relocated to Whidbey Island, know that you are welcome here.
Want to know more about the Christian faith? Have questions about Trinity Lutheran Church? Please speak to one of our pastors, or call the church office. We would love to visit with you. You are also welcome in our new members classes, held three times a year. Please call Robin, our Parish Manager, in the church office at 331-5191.
There are opportunities for you to learn, grow and serve at Trinity Lutheran Church. What is your passion? Where are your gifts and interests? Or, perhaps you are weary and broken and just need to be ministered to and find rest in Christ. Come. You are welcome at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Our communion table is open to all people. Our hospitality is meant for all as well. If we can answer any questions, help you on your journey of faith, minister to you in crisis, and celebrate with you life’s special occasions, please call upon our pastoral staff. We are here to serve.
The next New Members Class will be on Saturday, September 21 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Fireside Room with Pastor Jim and Parish Manager Robin Edgeman and an additional class on Saturday, Sept. 28 with Deacon Amy and Tonya Henny. Contact the church office to sign up so that we can have the appropriate number of handouts ready.
Please contact the church office at 360-331-5191 to be included in the next class.