Trinity Lutheran Church in Freeland, WA
Map & Directions
Trinity Lutheran Church is located at 18341 State Route 525 (the main highway running north through Whidbey Island) and S. Woodward Avenue.
If you are traveling south, you can make a right turn into the entrance and pass by the old church on your right. This building is used as a meeting place for dozens of community groups, a meeting place for our WELCA women’s group, and the offices of Whidbey Island Share a Home.) Continue driving toward the larger, newer church structure toward the back.
If you are traveling north, you should make a left-hand turn onto South Woodard Avenue and proceed up the hill to the first left, which is the back church entrance. Please drive slowly along the lane entering into the parking lot and continue around the building until you arrive at the front entrance which is open during church hours (Tuesdays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.) and on Sunday mornings.