Pastor Jim’s Blog

Do Not Be Afraid

Do Not Be Afraid

Last Sunday we talked about the three most important verses in the Bible. They are all very short. I am confident that you could memorize them, so here they are: 1. “Do not be afraid.” This is the word that God speaks most often to frightened children like us. In...

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15 candles

15 candles

There is a power in music that is beyond our comprehension. Even those who are lost in the dark recesses of dementia can find relief as they escape to carefree days with the help of music. They may not know their names or the names of their children, but they sing...

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This and That

This and That

Last weekend, Felicia and I were in Whitefish, Montana, for the wedding of a young man whom we have known since the day he was born. Last November, he and his fiancé joined us at our home for Thanksgiving. It is not very often that I attend a wedding when I am not...

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No higher calling

No higher calling

“It was kind of you to share my distress.” Philippians 4:14 Distress is part of the human journey. No one in this world escapes the reality of our frail flesh and feeble minds. Distress accompanies us daily and visits us in a variety of forms. We carry a lot of...

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The Weekly Word from Pastor Jim

The Weekly Word from Pastor Jim

I am back at Luther Seminary for a few days. The conference that I am attending is called “The Celebration of Biblical Preaching.” Some of the finest preachers in the country will be here to give some hope to those of us who climb each week into the pulpit after...

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What’s on your bucket list?

What’s on your bucket list?

How about Palm Sunday in Jerusalem! Jerusalem is a city like none other in the world. This is the same city that Jesus visited with Mary and Joseph. Today in this holy city, three great faiths meet. Christian, Jewish, and Muslim holy sites sit side by side. Cultures...

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Hands to hold and serve

Hands to hold and serve

I spent Tuesday morning holding Don Petersen’s hand as he is making his way down the birth canal of death. Soon he will be reborn to eternal life. Don was born on March 22, 1932, to Lucille and Karl Petersen. On January 29, 1966, Don and Marilee stood arm and arm at...

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This and That…

This and That…

We had a wonderful Rally Day Celebration on Sunday morning. We welcomed back the choir, Sunday Schools students, teachers, and wanderers who had been away too long. Last Sunday we considered questions such as: What kind of church do you want to belong to? Who was...

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Where is God in my suffering?

Where is God in my suffering?

Where is God in my suffering? Where is God when tragedy strikes? Where is God when the doctor says, “it’s cancer”? They were young and love was in the air. Their future was bright; they had finally found each other. Kindred spirits flying effortlessly through life,...

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Almost there…

Almost there…

Three years ago, we were making plans for the TLC 4 TLC Campaign. It was 2012, and our beloved TLC was in need of some Tender Loving Care. Our carpets had absorbed 15 years’ worth of coffee spills. Our walls needed fresh paint, our parking lot was falling apart, our...

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There once was a clock…

There once was a clock that hung on the wall that drove me crazy. The old pendulum wall clock was a gift to my parents on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. It was a gift from their children: my sister Jayne, my brother Jon, and me. It hung on the wall in...

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Do we really mean it?

Do we really mean it?

OK, I am getting pushed a little on this one. Some are asking if TLC really is a place “where everybody’s welcome.” Some are asking if we should be a place “where everybody’s welcome.” So what do we mean when we use that catchy phrase? And do we mean it? I find it...

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Chocolate Sunday was a big success!

Chocolate Sunday was a big success!

Chocolate Sunday was a big success! There was chocolate everywhere. Everyone was smiling. No one complained about the sermon. I am not sure that anyone will remember the sermon, but they will not forget that chocolate. Thanks to all of our chocolate aficionados for...

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End of life decisions…

End of life decisions…

“For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die.” – Ecclesiastes 3 Why do we have such a hard time with this? Why do we deny that death is part of the journey? We somehow expect that we and our loved ones...

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The truth comes on little cat feet…

The truth comes on little cat feet…

“Where can I go then from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I climb up to heaven, you are there; if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even then your hand will lead me and your right hand hold me fast.”...

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Do not be afraid

Do not be afraid

September 16, 2001, was the first Sunday after 9/11. The church was full that day. The foundations of our nation and our lives were shaken. We arrived at God’s house to pray, to seek meaning, and to hear words of hope. Nearly 14 years later, our world seems to be even...

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Touching the future

Touching the future

I was reading this week about the lake of magma that is present under Yellowstone National Park. It seems that there is a super volcano below the surface of the earth. It has violently erupted at least twice in known history. The bad news: it will erupt again, and...

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I Like Weddings

I Like Weddings

I will officiate at two weddings in the next five days. I like weddings. There is no day quite like a wedding day. The wedding day is preceded by months of preparation, hundreds of decisions, managing budgets, managing parents, saying YES to the dress, deciding who is...

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On the Doorstep of Jerusalem

On the Doorstep of Jerusalem

We stand now on the doorstep of Jerusalem! We look down from the Mount of Olives—the Holy City and the magnificent temple are before us. Two thousand years ago, Jesus entered Jerusalem down this path riding on a donkey. Palm branches and outer garments were laid on...

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