Today’s Word from Pastor Jim… 

We live in a confusing world. Advances in technology and the availability of information have made life all the more complex. To make matters worse, we live in a fallen world. We live in a world where sometimes we only have bad choices.

Together at TLC we search for meaning and truth as we try to faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Debate rages. Debate is a good and positive thing. No one person has the corner on truth. No one party, organization, or denomination has the corner on truth.

What do we know for sure? Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. How we faithfully follow Jesus is not so clear. Some of our members are seeking to love their neighbors at home and their neighbors in Iraq by serving in the military. Some of our members are seeking to love their neighbors at home and their neighbors in Iraq by protesting war in Iraq. What would Jesus do? I haven’t a clue, and I spend a fair amount of time thinking and praying about it. Life in a fallen world is rarely black and white. We are surrounded by shades of gray.

What is God’s will? That all might experience Abundant Life. How do we get there? I do not know.

What is God’s will? That we love our neighbor as we love ourselves. How do we love our neighbor? How do we love the twelve year old girl impregnated by her uncle? How do we love our 93 year old father who is on life support? How do we give advice to the young mother whose husband has been unfaithful? How do we love both the Israelis and the Palestinians?

Let me make this very clear. I do not know the answers to these questions. I do not know what Jesus would do faced with the choice of an unimpeded holocaust, or the devastation of World War II.

Let us be humble. Let us be respectful. Let us be honest. No one has the corner on truth. No party, no church, no denomination, no one this side of heaven knows the heart of God.

Let’s search together. In love,

Pastor Jim

If you would like to email Pastor Jim direct please send a note to: [email protected]