Today’s Word from Reverend Dave Bieniek…
Recently I was talking to my mother-in-law about our upcoming travels. She asked if we thought we would be able to travel next year. My response was simple, “Who knows? We just have to take it one day at a time.” Her response was even more simple and full of wisdom, “Well that’s how we are supposed to live anyway, isn’t it?”
That got me to thinking. Every spirituality from Buddhism, to Christianity, to Twelve Step Programs teach us an important spiritual truth. You only have today. You have to live your most authentic self in this time on this day in the Present.
This time of COVID has taught us that — by the basketfuls! Suddenly we do not know anything for sure. Will we be able to see loved ones who live across the country any time soon? Will we be able to go out to eat at a restaurant next week? Will we find enough toilet paper to last us through?
And the scariest question of all, if I or a loved one gets COVID, will it lead to a death in a hospital, alone, with only a computer connection to say good-bye?
The reality is that we only have this day for sure. Hopefully we were taught from an early age to appreciate what we have right now, to thank people who gift us with something right then and there, to always be aware of our surroundings and appreciate what is there.
If any good has come from the last 8 months, let it be this appreciation – giving thanks for today, seeing the blessings around us right now, and having hope for the future. Living for today is the best spiritual practice. Make today the best we can. And if we are granted another day, then give thanks and make that day the best we can. And keep doing that day by day.
May this be your truth for today, live your life day by day. It really is the best thing we can do.
Stay safe, stay well, wear your mask, wash your hands, and cast your vote.
Blessings & Peace,
Pastor Dave
So, don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34