This Sunday at TLC God is up to Something Beautiful.
It is Vacation Bible School Week at TLC. The children will be singing at the 10:00 service.
It is Vacation Bible School Week at TLC. The children will be singing at the 10:00 service.
WEAR Tee-Shirts! It is going to be warm, and then we will all look like the Kids!
BRING a loaf of BREAD if you can. One per family. There will be a table in the Narthex for bread collection. All the bread will go to the foodbank.
Finally, my sermon title for this Sunday is “God is up to Something Beautiful.” I believe that with all my heart. I see it every week in the beautiful people of God at TLC.
Start your week out right. Start your week out with people who care. Start your week out by putting yourself in the path of the Gospel. I promise you that God will bless your decision.
Wear those T-Shirts and Bring that Bread.
Loving you all,

Pastor Jim