Today’s Word from Pastor Jim… 

“Now there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are a variety of services, but the same Lord. To each is given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” I Corinthians 12

It was the Fall of 1999. People were worried about Y2K. Bill Clinton was in the White House. Trinity Lutheran Church had a split campus, our offices and Sunday School space were all located on Highway 525. The gym, courtyard and Sunday School wing were not yet completed. Musicians came together to form a band, a worship band that would bring new music and a new sound to our services. Children of the 50’s mostly, rock and rollers who came of age in the 70’s, dreamed of making music together. Breaded Fish came together as a new century was dawning. Since January of 2000, for 24 years Breaded Fish in all its iterations has gifted the people of Trinity Lutheran Church with soft rock, guitar solos, and smooth harmonization. They shared their talents and proclaimed the Gospel with music.

For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to mourn and a time to dance. In a season of transitions, we will be saying goodbye to Breaded Fish. In a season of transitions, we will be saying thank you to Breaded Fish. We thank you for making our lives better, and our worship more beautiful. We thank you for sending us home on Sunday mornings with a song in our hearts and a bounce in our step. Blessed to be a Blessing—we have been Blessed by 24 years of music.

This Sunday we will be honoring Breaded Fish during worship and at a special coffee hour. I hope that you will be here to worship God, to thank the members of Breaded Fish and to remember Breaded Fish members who have moved on from our church or moved on from this world. In the past 24 years the members of Breaded Fish have included:

Brian Plebanek, Deb Lund, Karl Olsen, Ron Rossel, Sally Howard, Jim Nevermann, Steve Schrecengost, Brian Stelling, Matt Armstrong, Kathy Wilson, Kathy Stanley, Susan Blanton, Suzanne Buchannan, Carole Hofstad and Russell Hicks.

Please join me this Sunday! One beggar telling another beggar where to find bread, I am your,

Pastor Jim

If you would like to email Pastor Jim direct please send a note to: [email protected]