Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…
Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.
There is a lot of talk these days about “thoughts and prayers.” I believe in the power of both. Great thinkers have changed the world. All human achievement begins with thought. Transformative technologies, lifesaving innovations, philosophies, and democracy all had their genesis in the minds of people. The world as we know it, for better or worse, is a direct consequence of human thought. We think it, before we do it.
Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.
Thoughts and prayers: I believe in the power of both. Prayer changes lives, and consequently it has the power to change the world. Prayer is nothing more than a conversation with God, laying our lives, our hopes, dreams, and doubts before the one who gave us life. But this is not a conversation like those that you share with friends over coffee. We bring very little to the conversation. We have no new information for God. God listens to me when I pray, but I don’t think God ever says, “Good point Jim, I never thought of that.”
Prayer does not change God; prayer changes the one who prays. When we are changed by prayer, then we can change our behavior, change our story, change our families and our world. There is a mysterious power in prayer. God moves in marvelous, unpredictable, unfathomable ways when we open our hearts to God in prayer.
Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.
There is a lot of talk these days about “thoughts and prayers.” But in reality “thoughts and prayers” have little power if they are not followed up with action. The Bible says, “Faith without works is dead.” James 2:26
We can pray all day for the wood to be split, for a meal to be prepared, for our neighbors to be fed, but those thoughts and prayers will be rendered ineffectual if no one picks up an axe or a spatula or an apron. Democracy may have had its genesis in thoughts and prayers, but democracy became a reality with the blood and sacrifice of the patriots.
Your thoughts and prayers are important. I would encourage you to be informed, to take time to think, and to pray for God’s guidance. Thoughts and prayers should translate to your daily life and the everyday choices that will largely determine your health and the health of our community. So, let’s be very clear; God is not going to fund your IRA, cure climate change, or stop the war in Ukraine. Faith without works is dead. Thoughts and prayers with no intention to participate in the solution are a waste of God’s time and yours.
Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.
Our political leaders need to stop offering their thoughts and prayers to the endless parade of victims, and begin working for the common good of all people. The people of God should not be praying for the hungry, for refugees, and the planet unless we are taking whatever steps we can to address these causes. Jesus never met anyone and said, “stay where you are.” We are called to turn our thoughts and prayers into loving service.
Don’t pray for problems that you are unwilling to address.
One beggar telling another where to find bread,
Pastor Jim