I invite you to come for a walk with me along an old-growth forest tail as we savor the musty humus smell and the sounds that surround us.
It is spring and the resurrection of life from winter’s dormancy is bursting forth!
As we round a corner, a figure is kneeling a few feet ahead. He reaches into the litter and raises hands full of rich humus. Like a potter, He begins to mold a shape from the precious soil.
Gradually the form of a small figure begins to take shape. Covered with fur, its head hangs limp with no movement. Eyes are closed. It is lifeless. With His head bowed, He breaths into the face of His loving work.
Suddenly movement is seen and what had been a lifeless mound of soil becomes a living creature with velvet brown fur and expectant eyes that look toward us as we approach. The stranger slowly stands. Wisdom, Love, and Life are in His eyes. We know…!
He slowly and gently reaches out and hands us the creature with a smile. His only instructions are to love and care for it as He would as He turns and slowly walks down the path.
How amazing it is to be given the responsibility to care for God’s Creation.
Genesis 2:15 tells us to “shamar” (keep, preserve) God’s amazing Creation as we walk humbly with our God.
Thanks for reading.
Below are informational posters for Prairie Days, May 5 and 6 up in Coupeville — a great opportunity to learn about our local creation.
— Joe Sheldon
P.S. Direct comments to [email protected]