Today’s Word from Pastor Pastor Jim…

“I am the way, the truth and the life.” John 14:6

There is no disconnect between our faith and science. No scientific discovery could shake my faith. Is there life on other planets? Science would tell us that the odds are very good, and I have no problem with that. Scientific study would estimate that the earth is 4.5 billion years old; I can’t fathom that, but I can believe that. Science points toward evolution, and that presents no theological problems for me. Christianity is not at war with scientific study.

There were times in the history of Christianity when the church felt threatened by science. On April 12th 1633 the physicist and astronomer Galileo was put on trial by the Roman Catholic Church. He had discovered, and was teaching, that the earth orbited the sun. This teaching was considered heretical. He was found guilty of being “vehemently suspect of heresy.” He would spend the rest of his life under house arrest. Imagine the government telling you that you could not leave your house?

Christianity is not at war with scientific study. That is one reason that we are staying home and worshiping in a manner that is safe for all. We believe the science. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He said more than that, but I will write about that tomorrow. Any “WAY” that leads you to peaceful, abundant, and healthy life comes from God. That includes yoga, meditation, counseling, and golf. No, not golf! Golf comes from a hotter place.

Any “way” that leads to abundant life and good relationships with neighbor is entirely consistent with the mission statement of Jesus in John 10:10, “I came that you might have life and have it abundantly.” The “TRUTH;” there is no truth apart from God. All truth comes from God, and therefore “truth” cannot possibly be a threat to us. If science determines that we descended from apes, well that would explain a lot, but it would not threaten my faith. If it is not true, then sooner or later, science will figure that out, and if it is true, then this “truth” is of God.

“I am the way, the truth and the life.” All life comes from God. There is no “life” apart from God. Life is a gift to us. We had nothing to do with that gift; we are simply stewards of life, stewards of the journey, caring for and appreciating something that was given to us.

There is not truth, apart from God. There is no way, apart from God. There is not life, apart from God. Science is not a threat to us; it is an accomplishment of the human mind and disciplined study. It, too, is a gift. God is beyond our knowing. We see in a mirror dimly, but some day we will see God face-to-face. Until then, let us live each day in joy, drawing upon science, giving thanks for artists and poets, having our minds open to truth, and loving as Jesus taught us to love.

We are one day closer to the end of this crisis. We are in this together.

Much love,



Pastor Jim

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