The staff and volunteers at Trinity are dedicated to helping students of all ages navigate their own personal faith journeys, developing personal relationships with God. We have classes and activities available from infancy through adulthood. Click on the tabs below for specific information.
Youth & Family News
Middle School Youth Group meets Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 for snacks, games, and great conversations.
High School Youth Group meets every Wednesday evening from 7:30 to 9:00. Friends are always welcome!
Sunday School for PreK through 5th grade is held during the 10:30 worship service each week. On the last Sunday of each month, we join the congregation for worship. There will be fun and engaging activities provided.
Our Church Nursery, staffed with competent employees, is open for infants and toddlers during the 10:30 worship service.
Family Fun Nights are an opportunity to get together for dinner and fun activities with families of all ages! We gather from 6:00 to 7:30 one Tuesday evening each month. See the schedule on right for this year’s dates and events.
Come and see what’s happening!
Contact Deacon Amy for more information on any of our Children, Youth and Family activities: [email protected]