Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

The Priesthood of all Believers is active at TLC. What does it mean to be ordained as a priest in the waters of baptism? Don’t stress, no one is going to ask you to give up your spouse or take a vow of poverty. Martin Luther’s understanding of the Priesthood of all Believers is that we are all called to ministry. Your ministry in your place, with the gifts and talents that God has entrusted to you, is every bit as important as mine.

We are not all called to preach like Peter, sing like Karl, or bake cookies like Jane Lusk. But we are all called. Called to bloom where you are planted. We are called to the ministry of parenting, of caregiving, of praying, of quilting, of plane building, of grocery clerking, of nursing, of counseling, of listening, of teaching, of nourishing, of encouragement, of garbage collecting. We are called to use whatever gifts God has entrusted to us, in service to our neighbors for the common good of the community.

We are the hands and feet of Jesus; we are the only Jesus that many people will ever see or experience. This calling is sacred and humble. Every day, with every word, action, reaction, and deed we are called to follow the one who loved every sinner, prodigal, bum, leper and child.

This past week I saw three angels working away. They were called on short notice, and just like that they arrived with servant hearts and the tools of a carpenter. With no fanfare they showed up to put a handicapped ramp on the home of one of our own. The ramp was critical to the quality of life and safety of this woman. As the angels worked outside, muffled voices and the sound of pounding nails filling the air, we visited at bedside. You never really know the burdens that others are carrying, but I guarantee you that everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load. She gave the men two thumbs up. Tearfully she asked me to thank them, as it would have been impossible for her to physically go outside herself. Were they angels or were they priests? Was this effort of love supernatural or was it simply the way it was meant to be in the Kingdom of God?

Today, you will have a chance to lean into the calling of your ministry. By your baptism you were ordained for Christian service. Loved, forgiven and never alone, our ministry is not an attempt to win God’s favor, it is a response to the Good News so freely given to us.

I give thanks for angels, for priests and for you! I am one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread.

I am your

Pastor Jim

[email protected]