Today’s Word from Karl Olsen, Minister of Music…  

I love quotes. Not feeling all that “quote-worthy” most of the time, it is wonderful to see God’s world and it’s many wonders and quirks through the eyes of other humans on this journey, and maybe filter out a bit of their wisdom and perspective.

So here are a few for today–but first, a song, newly-composed by David Roth and Grant Baldwin. David was scheduled to be here at TLC live tonight, but something altered that schedule!

Enjoy “When the Universe is Ready”:


Then, another songwriter, Hugh Prestwood, had this reflection on faith and science:

“So, Willy, here’s to ‘live and let live,’ and to the midnight sky.
And to our spirits’ mutual blind spot:
I for all my faith, will never prove there’s more than meets the eye,
and you, for all your science–will never prove there’s not.”

And Barbara J. Winter, a Minnesotan and author of “Making a Living Without a Job” said:

“When you stand at the edge of all the light you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.”

And finally, our friend and fantastic harpist, Harper Tasche’s father reflected on living this life, following the events of September 11, 2001:

“Eventually, this world ends for all of us. For some of us, it ends much too soon. If a special dispensation is not granted to us, it means only that we join the rest of the human race, the millions of brief lives that enjoyed a time on this earth and knew beauty. Knew sunlight. Knew love. Walked the earth and loved it. If we are not granted a stay of execution, then we go on into the larger life. And we affirm that the larger life is good. Even better.

“Go about your business, the mayor says. I say pray for a miracle and love today. Live today. Don’t blow it off. Don’t hide. Walk out into it. Do your work. Find the things you’ve always loved to do and do them.

“Notice things — not just suspicious parcels on the seat in the subway, but the beauty of the homeliest of your fellow passengers, the mosaics on the old walls at the stations, the winter sky when you come up from underground.

“I have always tried to live each day as if it were my last. To encounter each dear one as if we might not see each other again. To notice what a gift the world is as if I might not have that gift again. I might not. I have never felt that this was morbid. To me, it feels sensible. And it helps me to take joy in very small things”.

So, friends, here’s my gift to you today, via David Roth. My version of David’s “May the Light of Love.” David’s permission, happily granted!

Have a blessed day!

May the Light of Love
© 1986, David Roth Music. Used by permission

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