Today’s Word from Pastor Jim

When this crisis began, I wondered how we would respond, and what God would be up to in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. Concentration Camp survivor and noted author Victor Frankl said, “What matters is to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement.”

On Friday, the 13th day of March, we made the decision to cancel our regular Sunday morning church services. We made the decision to close our campus before the State of Washington closed all such assemblies. We did so because we have been entrusted with the care of each other; it was a stewardship issue. We do not worship the idea or practice of worship. We only worship God, and at this time, we needed to do that in a way that was consistent with our calling to care for the common good of all people.

I wondered how the people of God would respond? The response has been amazing, faithful, and inspirational. I can honestly say that I have not fielded even a single complaint. This community, though pulled apart and isolated, pulled together in service and generosity. From every corner of the island, and across the vast reach of our internet ministry, we have received emails, letters, cards, well-wishes, and extravagant gifts. We have been able to send $17,000 to Good Cheer. We have continued to support our staff, our ministries, and our people.

In the midst of a quarantine, we have more people doing ministry at TLC than ever before. They don’t come to our campus, as our campus is closed, but that does not stop them from their call to ministry. Our people are quilting at home, making masks, taking groceries to vulnerable populations, and reaching out to connect with neighbors.

This would not have happened in the same way, had we not been stricken with this virus. Don’t misunderstand me – this virus was not sent by God, but it is a test. It is a test of our faith, and of our intention to follow Jesus in this time of crisis.

“What matters is to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement.”

I am proud of the people of TLC. We are stronger together, and each day we get one day closer to an end of this crisis. May we learn the lessons that are ripe for harvest.

Much love,


Pastor Jim

Holy Week Worship at TLC. Services posted online at 5 p.m.

Maundy Thursday Worship, April 9th
Good Friday Passion Worship, April 10th

Easter Sunday Service posted at 7 a.m. Get your home altar set for the Celebration of Holy Communion. Join us on Facebook after your viewing for Easter Breakfast. BYOB – Bring your own breakfast!

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