Ash Wednesday begins our Lenten journey to Jerusalem, to Holy Week, and Easter. The Ash Wednesday worship service will be observed at 7 pm. Join us for the imposition of Ashes, Holy Communion, and special music by the Trinity Senior Choir and Karl Olsen.

The Surprise 30 Anniversary Celebration
Felicia and I thank you for the wonderful surprise celebration of the 30th anniversary of my ordination. For more than 27 of those years we have served alongside of the people of Trinity Lutheran Church. You are the most wonderful congregation, and we have been blessed to have shared our life and ministry with you.

My thanks too, are extended to Felicia and my girls for their love, their sacrifices and their support. It was an honor to have my sons-in-law Michael and Court, with us on Sunday as well. Our family has been blessed beyond measure. We thank you.

I would be remiss if I did not thank Karl and Robin for their partnership in the work that we share. They have given their lives to this church and we are all indebted to them. Their dedication and love is remarkable. Without Robin and Karl our congregation would not be the wonderful place that it is. My love to you both.

Finally, you will be hearing a lot about our new commitment to help the people of Bihar, India. At our Annual Meeting on February 5th our congregation pledged $100,000 to support the Bihar Project. We will be making a $25,000 gift in each of the next four years. We will be partnering with nine other Lutheran Congregations and Lutheran World Relief.

This joint effort will help 56,000 people out of abject poverty. We cannot solve all the problems of the world, but we can make a difference. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus, not just on Whidbey Island, but in the world.

In honor of the wonderful surprise celebration of our 30 years of ordained ministry, and as a thank you for the privilege of serving the best congregation in the ELCA, Felicia and I are going to donate $1,000 to the TLC Bihar account.

We are so grateful to you, and for you.

So, let’s keep the TLC miracle going. Blessed to be a Blessing — let us be generous, and let us share the amazing grace and extravagant hospitality of our God with all people.

My love to you,


Pastor Jim