What a wonderful, festive, colorful, creative, fun, playful and inspirational Easter Celebration we had at TLC!

The Easter garden set the tone for an Easter celebration. The Choir was amazing! Our musicians were flawless. The Easter Egg hunt was epic. Our young people served breakfast and a good time was had by all.

I would like to call out the names of our folks who put out an extraordinary effort, but I would not even know where to begin. This was the church at its very best. The Body of Christ in action. Everyone had a part to play, everyone had a supporting role, everyone had a purpose. This is an amazing place and you are a dazzling bouquet of every kind of flower—the beautiful and diverse people of God at Trinity Lutheran Church.

I made the first pot of coffee at 4:15 in the morning. Rocky made the second pot at 4:30. (some people are so well known that they only need one name to be recognized. Like Cher, Tiger, Madonna, Bullwinkle, and of course, our Rocky.)

The large coffee pots were plugged in at 6:20 to be ready for the 8 am rush. Sometime in that first hour, the powers of darkness intervened, a circuit breaker was tripped. The coffee, unbeknownst to any of us, had ceased to brew. Now there are a lot of sins, most sins are forgivable. But when people get up with the sun to come to church, are forced to listen to a boring sermon, and finally sing the closing hymn, they expect coffee.

I feared that a Lutheran riot would break out. But no, the people of God rolled with this first world tragedy. Breakfast was enjoyed. The Easter Celebration continued.

This is an amazing place of Grace. I experience it every day. I hear about it from our staff and volunteers. “Even when my efforts fall short, even when I hit the wrong note, even when my cake sinks, even when my sermon is unintelligible, even when I fail, MY CHURCH IS THERE TO PICK ME UP.”

This ministry of encouragement is critical to making TLC a place of Grace. So, thank you for having an attitude of gratitude. Thank you for saying thanks, for appreciating the successes and overlooking the failures of God’s people. Thank you for being the most amazing group of people that I have ever had the privilege of being around.

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

See you Sunday
Pastor Jim