Philip Yancey reminded us that as Christians we must be different. We must stand up, stand out, kneel down, wash feet, turn the other cheek, be generous and forgiving. That is how Christianity took root. It was a group of people who marched to the beat of a different drummer. The drummer, of course, was Jesus.

We must be different and that difference will attract people.

The followers of Jesus did not look or dress differently they lived and acted differently. And soon, it was recognized as a better way of living. They took seriously the teachings of Jesus, and consequently they fed the poor, they clothed the naked, they provided homes and shelter for forgotten children.

We must be different, and that difference will attract people. Christianity changed the world, not by being the same, but by being different.

So, let us be more patient, gentler in our speech, more generous, more kind, more compassionate, more humble, more like the one we follow. And let us be less intolerant, less judgmental, less self-righteous, less greedy, less tribal, less grumpy, less vengeful, less and much less arrogant.

We must be different. This does not just happen. It is intentional. An intentional decision to follow one who was different. An intentional decision to put ourselves in the path of the Gospel, to study the ways of Jesus, to let go of our egos, to embrace teachings that can change our lives and the world.

This week the path of the Gospel will take us to the Sea Coast, to the Via Maris, to the shores of the Mediterranean. I would encourage you to read the 8th and 10th Chapter of Acts.

See you Sunday if not before! I am thankful to share the journey with people who are so DIFFERENT.

Pastor Jim