Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

His hair was long and white. He wore slim Western ties and cowboy boots. In years past he sat near the front at Trinity Lutheran Church with his wife, Clodagh. They had lived lives of public service working for the states of Alaska and then Washington. Their home was filled with Native American art and three-ring binders that chronicled the many cruises that they had enjoyed together.

When Clodagh died in 2016, Jerry moved to the back row by the sound booth. He lived in a small house in Langley, his dog Blue always by his side. As the years passed, he hiked less and rested more. He contemplated the journey in my office over coffee; he knew that he had been blessed, blessed to be a blessing. He expressed a desire to touch the future, to make his last statement in life consistent with the values of his humble upbringing.

On November 2, 2020, Jerry died peacefully at his home. Blue was welcomed into a TLC family that loves animals, and I set about to manage his estate, following the directives of his will. Jerry wanted to touch the future; he would do so through our endowment. Last week I sat down to write a check; the check was for a million dollars. Jerry and Clodagh’s legacy will be managed by the endowment. Every year their gift will provide a harvest of good. A draw of $40,000 to $50,000 will be directed toward scholarships, local, or off-island benevolences. With prudent investing their gift will never run down or run out.

Jerry and Clodagh touched the future, leaving a gift that will benefit those who are yet unborn. None of the money given to the Endowment directly benefits TLC. The money is not used for utilities, salaries, or campus improvements. It is all given away, it is put to work for the common good of our community and the world.

Last week I wrote a check for a million dollars! David Campbell, of our TLC Schrecengost Endowment Fund, was present to receive the check. Most gifts to the Endowment are smaller; a few hundred dollars here, a few thousand dollars there. On their own the gifts would make little difference in the world. But together we are a powerful force of good; together we can TOUCH THE FUTURE!

Thanks Jerry and Clodagh, and thank you for supporting the work of TLC.

Much love,
Pastor Jim