Today’s Word from Pastor Jim…

Blessed to be a Blessing! We have been blessed richly by God, but we are never blessed in isolation, we are blessed that we can be a blessing to others.

For 70 years Trinity Lutheran Church has stood at the crossroads of South Whidbey Island. The cross above our sanctuary is illuminated as a beacon of hope. Hope can be hard to come by for many in this troubled world. Over those 70 years, we have weathered the storms of political discord, recessions and wars, culture upheaval and the isolation of the Covid 19 pandemic. Through it all, thousands of people have worshipped, the young and old have been baptized, grieving families have said goodbye to loved ones, children have grown up ventured off to college and returned home to TLC. Thanks to you TLC is a place of grace, a place of extravagant hospitality, a church where everybody’s welcome.

This Sunday we will be marking those 70 years of service, and we will be honoring those whose vision and sacrifice made it all possible. I hope that you will join us in person or online this Sunday. The schedule will be as follows:

8:00 am All Saints Worship with Holy Communion and an All Saints video.

9:00 am Festive Coffee Hour

9:30 am A historical celebration and program for all in the Sanctuary featuring videos, music and storytelling.

10:30 Festive Coffee Hour

11:00 am All Saints Worship with Holy Communion and an All Saints video.

12:00 Noon 70th Anniversary Party that will include 50’s music, lunch, Sock-hop, Root Beer floats, hula hoops and popcorn.

Wear your poodle skirts, slick your hair back, dress like Elvis, and plan on having lots of fun!

Blessed to be a Blessing!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Jim
[email protected]