Today’s Word from Pastor Tom…

How important is it to attend worship services? How critical is it to listen to a contemplative missive or to read a daily devotional? Why would it matter if you or I never opened our Bibles again? Who would know? Really, what does all of it matter? After all, we believe in Jesus. We know the story of our salvation, so what does the rest of it matter one bit anyway? God does not take attendance, and Pastor is clueless if we have ever tuned in for worship. So, who cares?

It matters because Jesus instructed his followers to go and make disciples, not go and make converts. I love being a grandfather. I have loved my beautiful, little Vivian more that I can put into words, but if she never grew up (the 3’s are proving challenging) our family would be saddled with a grief surpassing even the joy of having loved an infant. A new born Christian is cute, but after a while pretty annoying if there is no growth. We have to grow up as Christians.

“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.” Proverbs 29:18

This is the crux of the matter. If we grow out of the habit, or simply refuse, to receive new revelation, our life in Christ will grow as dry as a desert creek bed. I know this to be true in my own life. When I retired my great fear was that I would treat “going to church” like being on vacation. When on vacation I often would not bother to find a place to worship. An extra round of golf, a visit to an animal park, or time by the pool, would typically rank higher on my priority list than a Sunday worship experience. My great fear was that I would treat retirement like being on vacation.

This Proverb proved to be heavy on my heart. Without revelation there is nothing to inspire me. Without revelation I am left to my own wants, opinions, and biases.

Anything can go. In the world of scientific discipline, it is known as “confirmation bias.” Do you know anyone who simply seeks out insights, observations, and opinions that simply confirm their insights, observations, and opinions? Of course, you do. Every time I look in the mirror, I am aware that can easily be me. I need to constantly hear the Word of God that challenges me in the ways of righteousness as opposed to getting stuck in my own feedback loops.

It can be difficult work. I have members of my family, for example, that will not talk to one another. They are stuck in their own feedback loop of confirmation bias. Matters not that we were all raised in families of faith, many have cast off restraint, and “the other” is now too often seen as enemy. Science (or lack of it), politics, or conspiracy theories have preempted Jesus. There is no revelation, only opinion. There is no seek ye first The Kingdom of God, only seek what is mine. Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint. If we cut off revelation, we will undoubtedly remember the name Jesus when our Lord comes for us; but in the interim we will have proven to be of little value when it comes to being a “Little Christ” to our neighbor.

Pastor Jim constantly exhorts us to put ourselves in the path of the Gospel. Good advice. Put ourselves on the path of revelation. Hey, just as a suggestion, when was the last time you read C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters?” An easy, fun read that can help us connect with those forces that can lead us into our own confirmation bias and away from holy revelation, just a suggestion.

I am grateful we are all sharing in the journey together, loving each other into a discipleship that is changing the world for the coming Kingdom of God.

Be at peace; you are profoundly loved.

Pastor Tom