Weekly Word…

My good friend Tony Aguilar called me this morning. We talked yesterday before he met with his medical team. Tony came to TLC as the love of his life, Teddy, was dying of cancer. Tony caught a double dose of the Holy Ghost here. He was inspired and comforted. He had given his life to public service and now he continued that commitment here at TLC. Through it all, every encounter with Tony was encouraging and uplifting.

Tony called me this morning. As he sat in the Oncology waiting room, he noticed people of a variety of ages and ethnicities. Tony said, “I knew that we were all here for the same thing.” He knew, too, that many were afraid. He took the time to connect with a family from India. The young woman had no hair, her husband stroked her bald head.

Before Tony was called in, he was sharing sunshine and hope with the young people. Before he was called in, they were stroking Tony’s arm and wishing him well. Tony told them, “We are all connected. We are connected to each other by the love of our common creator. This love of God has led to a wedding across cultures and race.”

The father held Tony’s arm and said, “God’s kindness is in your heart.”

A few minutes later Tony met with his medical team. The lead oncologist said, “Your tumor is misbehaving badly. You have two months to live.” Tony’s response, “It is all good. All is well and all will be well again.” Tony is not afraid. He recalled to me the comfort that he experienced when watching a recent sermon online. In that sermon Karl sang, “Be not afraid, I go before you always.”

Tony spoke tender words regarding his TLC family, “This church has been a huge part of my journey of my peace as I face my death. Blessed to Be a Blessing!”

Blessed to be a Blessing indeed! Thanks Tony. We will talk again soon and we will see you on the other side.




Pastor Jim