Did you know that Barbara Bennett and Dinah Stinson represent TLC as members of the Whidbey Island Greening Congregation Coalition? Did you know that we have invested in Solar Panels and low use water systems to reduce our footprint on the planet? Did you know that we are stewards of a large wetland on our campus?

In the creation story of Genesis Chapter 1, God gives us dominion “over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” Dominion is understood as a benevolent and peaceful rule. We are to treat the earth and its inhabitants with the grace and care that God has shown us.

TLC is committed to going green at every turn. This year we will be working with Puget Sound Energy to upgrade all of our light fixtures. We will be replacing the parking lot lights, the gym lights, the lights in the old building, in the sanctuary, in the Sunday School wing and in our offices.

This will be expensive. The result will be consistent with God’s calling to exercise dominion over our corner of creation. We will continue to strive to be good and faithful stewards of all that has been entrusted to us. In the final analysis, we will save money but more importantly every year going forward we will save the equivalent of 247 barrels of oil. To achieve the same result for environment we would need to plant 87 acres of trees.

I would like to thank Tom Eckhart and Rocky Knickerbocker for their help in this project.

The total cost of this project fully installed will be $56,392. Puget Sound Energy will give us a small business rebate of $38,092. That means that our cost will be $18,300.

If you would like to help us fund this project do not hesitate to call me or simple make a check to TLC and note “Dominion Project” in the memo. You may also give online now via PushPay by going to: https://pushpay.com/pay/trinitylutheranfreeland/ and selecting ‘Dominion – Going Green’ from the fund selection pull-down menu.

Together we will do what is faithful to God’s calling. We will make every effort to leave this planet to our children in the best possible form.

Blessed to be a Blessing!

Pastor Jim