Let’s begin by considering the Biblical Concept of Fruitfulness.   On the fifth day of creation, we read in Genesis chapter 1 that God blessed all the living creatures of the waters and the birds who fly and said: “be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth” Genesis 1:22 NIV. We should also note that in vs. 28 God gave humans a similar blessing – to be “fruitful and increase” in number. For humans, that blessing was followed by the directive to “rule” Creation.

How should we understand this “fruitfulness” blessing?  Was God referring only to reproduction in numbers? Or was it meant to be more? I suggest that it was both.

Donna and I, like many of you, have been blessed with children.  As I consider those precious gifts to us and look to their future, I pray that they will have fruitful lives – that they will be all that God intended them to be as they live to their full potential. I image that was to be God’s intention for all His creatures. This then relates to the question: how should you and I “rule” over Creation? Do our human lives enable God’s creatures to praise God through their own fruitfulness that their lives will be a resounding praise blessing to their Creator! Psalm 150: 6 – “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord”. Stay tuned….

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